Learn From Your Mistakes

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The students ran through the hotel and made their way to the next floor. When they turned the corner they encountered a tall intimidating man who stood in the hallway. Karasuma-sensei peeked around the corner to observe the man. Karasuma-sensei was sweating and had trouble standing.

"L-looks like a-another professional."

The man suddenly broke the glass in the window with his fist.

"Hm, I never imagined that kids would be able to get past Smog."

Karma stepped in front of the group and faced the stranger.

"Yeah, you shouldn't underestimate us."

"A-Akabane...get back."

"Sorry sensei, but I'm gonna take this guy on."

Karma and the assassin known as Grip faced off. Grip continuously attacked and Karma barely dodged. Grip was beginning to get impatient.

"Hm, I thought you were going to fight me boy. Hm."

"Sorry mister, we're not planning to lose."


Grip had no time to react. While he was busy trying to take Karma out, K got behind him and launched a flying kick to his head.

"I took Karma out with one kick, you think I'm going to let him take you on by himself?"

Grip fell to one knee, but quickly recovered. He stood and examined the two students that stood in front of him.

"Hm, you're not the man I thought you were."

"Nope sorry!"

Karma began to fight back with swift punches and kicks while trying to avoid getting grabbed by Grip. K observed their fight closely and noticed that Grip was watching her. Then an unexpected cloud of smoke was sprayed toward Karma and Karma fell to the ground.


Nagisa cried out. Karma stayed motionless on the floor as Grip turned his attention to K who looked at him with a straight face.

"You don't seem too worried. Hm."

"Tsk tsk, if he got caught by a stupid trick like that, then he didn't learn anything."

Another puff of smoke appeared and knocked Grip down.

"W-what? H-how did y-you?"

Karma stood and removed a piece of cloth that he was holding over his mouth.

"I took this nifty gadget off that guy we defeated earlier. I never thought I'd have to use it though."

K quickly immobilized Grip and tied him up.

"Hey Terasaka! Can I have my stuff?"

Karma called out to Terasaka and Terasaka handed him a small bag. Karma smirked mischievously and crouched in front of Grip.

"Hehe, I'm not done with you yet."


A few minutes and 4 bottles of wasabi later, Grip was lying on the floor with a swollen face and red eyes. Karma laughed evilly as he gave him the finishing touches. K sighed disappointedly and pulled Karma back like a child.

"Aw girlie, I was just having some fun."

"Fine, fun's over...let's go."

K dragged Karma back to the group and they all made their way to the entrance of a club for rich adults and kids.

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