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Each group walked through the haunted house, each path twisted and turned differently.

"...this is pretty interesting...right K?"

"...I guess."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's just get through this and meet up with the others."


Nagisa looked worriedly at K, but ignored his uncertain feelings and continued walking through the dark path. The two had been walking for some time and it felt like they were walking in circles.

Nagisa looked around as best he could, but there wasn't much to see when the hallway was so dark. Suddenly, there was a high pitched scream. Nagisa and K covered their ears from the painful cry.

"Wh-what was that?"

"Probably their idea of scaring people."


Nagisa laughed nervously and began walking again.

"No! Stop Nagisa!"

There was the sound of a trip wire snapping and a pile of objects dropped from the ceiling. K ran and pushed Nagisa to the ground. When the dust cleared, K and Nagisa were pinned under a pile of plastic toys. Monsters, goblins, demons...the stupid toys were piled atop the students.

"Ugh...this is stupid."

K began to get up and push the plastic decorations off herself. Nagisa inspected the area again, that's when he heard giggling.

"Pfft, those class-E losers fell for it."

"Haha, I wish I had my camera..."

"That look on their faces was-"

K must've heard them too because she punched a hole through the paper wall and grabbed the student who sat on the other side. She pulled him through the wall by his collar and held him in the air.

"So you're the students who made this irritating attraction?"


The other student was too scared to speak, his classmates had already ran away and Nagisa knew he shouldn't try to stop K when she's angry.

"Tell me where the exit is..."



He was shaking with fear and could barely speak. He knew he had to answer so he just pointed in a direction. K looked in the direction he pointed to and dropped him.


K walked in the direction and the boy nearly fainted. He actually might've fainted after K spoke.

"If you're lying, I'll find you."

Nagisa followed after K like a lost puppy.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Do what?"

"Threaten him."

"I guess...I'm just so used to it..."

Nagisa could see out of the corner of his eye, a slight smirk forming on K's face. She was enjoying herself. Nagisa thought silently to himself, he assessed K. Her movements, her reactions, her instincts. Nagisa concluded that she acted out of reflex. A muscle movement that occurs from instinct or habit.

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