I'm Not Going Anywhere

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Takaoka's reign of terror continued. He worked the students until they couldn't move any longer, and anyone who spoke out of turn was beaten and silenced. This was Takaoka's way...his method for creating effective assassins.

"Hah...Hah...I can't...go on."

"H-hang in there Kayano-san..."

"You two! No slacking!"

Kayano and Nagisa were out of breath and too tired to move anymore. Takaoka ordered them to get back to work, his smile was wide and crazy.

"Takaoka-sensei...can't we take a break?"

Nagisa asked innocently as he breathed deeply and loudly. Takaoka looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"A break? You can take a break when you're dead!"

Takaoka raised his fist and swung his arm to strike Kayano, but before his fist reached her he was dragged to the ground and knocked off his feet. K had grabbed him and dragged him back, she glared at him as he stood and dusted the dirt off his clothes.

"Such a disobedient sister."

"Don't touch them."

"Brat...you don't have a say in it!"

Takaoka grabbed K by the collar of her uniform and threw her to the ground. Her small body was no match for Takaoka's build. She could only sit there as he kicked and punched her on the ground. The other students stood and watched, everyone was helpless and didn't know what to do. Takaoka picked K up by her collar again and brought her up to his face. She was barely conscious with bruises all over her. Takaoka raised his hand for one final strike, he was about to swing but someone stopped his arm.

"That's enough..."


"Let go of her."

Karasuma-sensei had a firm grip on Takaoka's right hand as he glared with intense rage. Takaoka released K and let her drop to the ground, she was too beat up to stand.

"That's enough...I want you to leave."

"Haha...I'm not going anywhere."


"Fine Ka-ra-su-ma, I'll make you a deal...choose one of your precious students to fight me. If they win, I'll leave. But if I win, I stay and you leave...and your sister stays as well."


Karasuma-sensei looked to his students and assessed them. K was too injured to fight, Karma was skilled but he's an immature fighter, Terasaka has no chance once Takaoka gets serious...maybe...

"Oh and Karasuma, we won't be using those toy knives. We're going to use the real thing."

Takaoka handed him a large knife, Karasuma-sensei looked around at his students. Most were either too scared to fight or too eager. Then he saw Nagisa.


Everyone was shocked and Takaoka laughed. Nagisa didn't know what to think.

"If you don't want to I'll choose someone else-"

"No, I'll do it."

"...remember, this is a real fight. You don't have to land a hit, you just have to kill him."

"I think I understand."

Nagisa stood directly across of Takaoka. He stared at him as Takaoka's face twisted into a violent smile. Then Nagisa remembered, you don't have to land a hit, you just have to kill him.


"Come...come on...just try to win...haha"

Nagisa simply relaxed, his smile was gentle. Takaoka looked at him with confusion, why was he smiling? Whats going on?

Nagisa walked toward him with his smile on his face and a knife in his hand. He continued to walk until he bumped into Takaoka. The pause was a fraction of a second, a fraction of a second before Nagisa struck. His knife aimed for Takaoka's neck. Takaoka dodged barely and was thrown off balance. Nagisa used this to his advantage, he grabbed Takaoka's shirt from behind and pulled him to the ground. Then he wrapped himself around Takaoka and held the knife to his throat.

"Game, set, match? I think?"

Nagisa held the knife innocently, he didn't even realize that the knife was backwards. Karasuma-sensei was stupefied. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed, he approached Nagisa and congratulated him.

"G-good job, Shiota..."

Nagisa got off of Takaoka and looked at Karasuma-sensei shyly. Takaoka crawled on the ground and shook with fear.

"I...I won't let you...you can't!"

Takaoka lunged at Nagisa for one last attempt on his life, but he was stopped short by Karasuma-sensei's elbow. Everyone celebrated and was happy that Takaoka would be leaving, but Takaoka didn't feel the same.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

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