To Protect is to Betray

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K continued to run through the forest that was near class E. She ran and ran until she was out of breath and no longer knew where she was. She stared at her right arm and the bruise that enveloped it. The bruise had grown darker and you could clearly see the outline of Karasuma-sensei's hand now. Just as K had relaxed against the trunk of a tree there was a noise. K became alert and prepared for an attack.

"Jeez girlie, stop runnin will ya."

Karma appeared from behind the bushes and leaned against a tree across of K. He seemed just as out of breath as K was, but anyone could tell that he was hurting.

"How's your head?"

"It's fine. Just a bit dizzy is all."


"I really am curious though. Why do ya hate Karasuma-sensei soooo much?"

"Because he tried to kill me. My own brother, ironic isn't it?"

"I just don't believe that our Karasuma-sensei is capable of that-"

"Then you don't know him. When push comes to shove that soldier will always go for the kill shot."

--10 years ago--

"Hey, Karasuma, do you think it's a good idea to let her run around here?"

"You know I don't have a choice Takaoka."

A young Karasuma was walking through an elite army base with Takaoka walking beside him. Meanwhile, there was a little girl with long black hair who was running around and peeking through every window and door. Karasuma laughed at little at the girl's strange curiosity.

"Sera! Don't go too far!"

"I won't big brother!"

Sera continued to run around and look through every window. She even tried to open the doors, but to her disappointment they were all locked. All except one.

She ran up to the door and turned the knob. She hadn't expected it to open because all the other doors were locked. So Sera was shocked when the door swung open and she fell through the opening.


She groaned and sat up rubbing her face and pushing back tears.

"Who are you?"


She looked up and saw a little boy who was about the same age as her. He was sitting on a bed in the corner of the room and staring at Sera. His white hair was almost glowing in the bright ceiling light.


Sera smiled and greeted the boy casually. The boy just continued to stare. He tilted his head in confusion when he saw her smile.

"I'm Sera. What's your name?"


Before the boy could finish a tall man walked in and began to speak in a deep voice with authority.

"Come Itona, it's time to start."

The boy slowly got up off of the bed and reluctantly walked toward the man. He looked sad but just before he walked out the door he looked at Sera and smiled.

"Bye-bye Sera-san."

He spoke in a quiet voice that was almost impossible to hear. That gentle boy and hyper girl met in the most unfortunate situation, but they continued to be friends.

--2 years later--

Over time the children grew, but Sera was still the hyper little child that ran around the base and Itona was still very quiet. Although, Karasuma didn't like the idea of his little sister playing with a state weapon, there wasn't much he could do about it. Sera always ran straight for Itona's room as soon as they arrived. Karasuma was just glad that she found someone who made her happy.

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