Study Session

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It was time again at Kunugigaoka junior high school. Everyone was preparing for the dreaded midterm exams. Even class E was getting ready.

"Lets go study at the library!"

Kayano suggested that they go to the library to study. Both Okuda and Kanzaki jumped at the opportunity.

"Yeah! We should go study at the library."

"Just think...air conditioned rooms and books..."

The girls were so loud about their little study session that a few other students overheard their conversation.

"Eeh? The girls are gonna have a study session without us Nagisa."

Karma loudly and obnoxiously complained out the window so the girls could hear him.

"Karma-kun, if you wanted to go you could just ask."

Nakamura walked past him with books in her arms. She was carefully balancing them so she wouldn't drop them.

"Hmm? No thanks Nakamura..."

Karma turned and looked at Nakamura with a playful look.

"...but maybe Nagisa-chan might like to tag along."

"Hm? Nagisa-kun?"

Karma smirked at Nagisa. Nagisa was panicking and didn't know what to say.


"OK...come on."

Nagisa gave in and didn't know what to say. So it was Nakamura, Kayano, Kanzaki, Okuda, and Nagisa. Isogai was also tricked into joining when he was spotted outside.

When the students of class E arrived at the library there was only one table left. The table had just enough seats for everyone, but there was someone already there. It was a girl sleeping all alone in the library. Kayano and Kanzaki walked up to the girl to politely ask if they could sit there.

"Um...excuse me, are these seats taken?"


"Excuse m-"

"I heard you the first time Kayano-san."


The group of students were startled when they heard the familiar voice.


Nagisa was confused, so was everyone else. Their faces were pure shock and surprise. K just turned over and groaned.

"What? Am I not allowed in the library?"

"'s just-"

"What are you doing here?"

The students were curious. As far as they knew, K left as soon as P.E. started. They hadn't seen K the whole day.

"I came here looking for information."


"Its nothing...aren't you going to sit?"

K sat up and moved her chair over. When she sat up Nagisa and the others saw the book that she had been using as her pillow. It was a book on the history of Kunugigaoka junior high.

The students all sat with their books and they were silently reading them. But of course, there has to be trouble no matter where the students of class E are. That's when the 5 virtuosos walked in.

"Hm? Look at the insects infesting our library."

"Watchya think you're doing class E?"

They surrounded the table and taunted the group of friends. Teppei wrapped his arm around Kanzaki and snickered.

"Maybe we'll let ya stay here...for a price."

Nagisa and Isogai just glare at the five males as they sit and watch helplessly. Just when they thought things couldn't be any more miserable, Gakushuu Asano walked in.

"...what are you four up to now?"

"Look Asano, these low lifes think they can use our library."


Asano smirked and locked his eyes on K. He walked around her chair and leaned down.

"What are you doing in a group like this?"


K and Asano were at a standstill. The tension was so great that a knife could cut the silence. No one moved.

"Get away."


"I won't repeat myself..."

K swung her arm back with a pencil firm in her hand. Asano dodged barely and smiled.

"Your quick."

"So I'm told..."

Nagisa and the others just watched the two. Even the students from class A couldn't quite understand what was happening. K stood up and darted a look at Asano.

"I'm going...I suggest you follow, Nagisa."

With those few words Nagisa, K, and the other class E students walked out of the library. Leaving the students of class A standing in the middle of the library.

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