Not Worth My Time

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"Don't call me that..."

"...Missy, tell me...what's really going on at the old campus?"


"You're not going to tell me?"

Asano leaned closer and teased K with a malicious smile. K remained unemotional and unmoved. She only turned her head to stare at the boy with darting eyes.

"You sure are scary, Sera-chan."

With those words K stood and glared, her fists were shaking in anger and frustration. Asano softly placed his head in his hands and rested his elbows on the table. His face was taunting her, daring her to do something. Instead of attacking the way she normally did, K just took a deep breath and relaxed. She turned to the door and stopped before exiting.

"You're not worth my time...go cry to your dad if you're so desperate for attention."


Sera left after speaking those words. Asano just sat in the room alone. He was quiet for a few seconds, then he smirked.

"What an interesting girl..."

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