Cry For Help

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Karma and Nagisa arrived at the hospital. They went to the front desk and asked for directions to Karasuma-sensei's room. The nurse pointed in a direction and the two boys walked down the hall into Karasuma-sensei's room. But when they walked in the bed was empty and the only other person there was Gakushuu Asano. Karma walked up to the boy sitting in the chair and picked him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Where's Karasuma-sensei?"

"You're quite do know that this is a hospital don't you?"

Karma quickly dropped Asano. Nagisa tried to speak in a calm voice despite Karma's frustration.

"Where's Karasuma-sensei?"

"Don't know...he chased missy after she ran out of here."


Nagisa looked at Karma confusedly.

"It's the name he calls girlie."


They all stood awkwardly in the hospital room, then they heard someone yelling.

"Tadaomi! Tadaomi!"

"Karma, that was-"

"Yeah, I know Nagisa."

Karma ran out of the room and followed the sound of the voice. Asano ran after him and arrived on only seconds after Karma did. They saw K and Karasuma-sensei on the floor of the stairwell and K yelling Karasuma-sensei's name. She noticed the boys who were standing only a few steps above her and cried out desperately.

"K-Karma...Tadaomi...he stopped breathing..."

Asano and Karma ran to her side. Karma put Karasuma-sensei's arm over his neck and shoulders to support his weight. Asano quickly pulled K into a hug and tried to comfort her as her legs collapsed under her.

"Hey, stupid monkey, I need help carrying this guy..."

"How heartless Akabane, can't you see that the little miss needs help too?"

The two glared at each other, but Asano eventually gave in. Asano put Karasuma-sensei's other arm over his shoulders, and Karma and Asano both supported Karasuma sensei's body as they walked back up the stairs. Nagisa was walking aimlessly through the hospital when he saw them carrying a limp Karasuma-sensei. Nagisa instinctually ran to get a nurse. When Nagisa returned with a nurse, Karasuma-sensei was still unconscious, but the others had manages to get him breathing again. The nurse quickly examined him and gave him the proper treatment to stabilize his condition.

K just looked at Karma and Asano with puffy eyes.

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome Missy."

"We're all here for ya, girlie."

K thought it was strange. Before she arrived at Kunigigaoka she was obsessed with killing her brother, but now she was surrounded by many strange people. A know-it-all boy who was very devious and cunning, a smart yet strong rebel who hates other people, and a shy boy who was born in a lab but Aldo turned out to be her best friend. It wasn't just them either, K smiled slightly when she thought of all the people she met, from the weird ones to the overly quirky ones.

Nagisa noticed K smiling and whispered to her.

"Everyone's here for you, we'll all be here to help."

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