Friend, Foe, or something more?

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The big day finally arrived and class E was a prepared as possible for the midterm exams. Each student took their seat and waited impatiently for the test to start. It was a battle between class E and the whole school. It was a matter of pride.

-time skip-

The test was finally over and many of the students were relieved. However, the students of class E walked out disappointed and discouraged. The principle once again found a way to make sure class E stayed on the bottom. He held a last minute study session and taught the students things that he knew class E wouldn't know. They just can't catch a break.

Everyone was walking home, but K was stopped when she heard an annoying voice call out to her.

"Girlie! Wait for me..."

Karma ran to her side and smiled brightly, but K only stared with concern.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanna get to know ya. You know that if we paired up we could take down the octopus together for sure."

K began walking and Karma followed. K was quiet for a while but she eventually spoke with a pain in her voice.

"That's not possible."

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm too strong."

K stopped cold in her tracks and looked blankly at the ground. Karma kept walking, unaware of K. He looked up and glanced at the dark sky above.

"Looks like it might rain."



Karma stopped and turned to see K staring back at him. She looked as if she had something to say, but she was unsure of how to say it. Just when Karma was going to ask her what was wrong, someone else asked for him.

"What's wrong missy?"

K turned quickly and flinched back when she realized who it was. Karma's usual care-free face turned into a glare when he saw the purple eyed boy walking towards them. Both students immediately tensed and became alert. The boy only smirked when he saw the reaction.

"What are you two doing? Walking all by yourselves?"

"Get lost Asano."

Karma stepped in front of K and was only inches away from Asano's face. Asano didn't move. His expression didn't change and he didn't feel threatened.

"Karma Akabane...this is one of those times where you're not needed."


Karma's face became scary as he glared with pure hatred. It began raining on the students but no one moved. Asano Looked up at the sky and let the rain drip down his face.


Karma looked back at K who was shivering in the cold. He quickly took off his jacket and gently placed it over K's head to protect her from the rain.

"That should help."


" adorable."

"What do you want, Mr. Principle's son?"

"Information...but not from you Akabane."

Karma stepped in front of K. He made sure he was blocking K from Asano's view. K only stepped closer to Karma for warmth. She could feel his heat radiating from his body, his anger only made him hotter.

"I told you that you weren't needed."

"And I told you to get lost."

It was a stalemate. Both wanted to make a move but neither would move first. They just continued to stare at each other as the rain poured down heavier and heavier. The only sound to be heard was the sound of pitter pattering rain drops and one set of footsteps running through the rain. The footsteps got closer and louder, then louder and closer.


Itona could be seen running through the rain. He was soaked and his nose was running uncontrollably.


K turned and saw the white haired boy running toward her huffing and puffing. He was out of breath when he jumped into K's arms and hugged her tight.

"Itona? What's wrong?"

"We became worried when you didn't come home! What are you doing here Sera-san!"

Itona was bawling in K's arms as Karma and Asano watched.

"Hm? It seems the fun has been interrupted."

"Seems so..."

Asano began pushing buttons on his phone. In a few seconds a limo pulled up and a tall man stepped out with an umbrella.

"Until next time you two."

Asano got in the car and drove away. From there, K walked home with one arm wrapped around Itona and the other arm holding the jacket over their heads. Karma walked home alone, enjoying himself in the rain.

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