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Imagine for Siobechan and parkhaae1807

Warning: Le angst

You wake up suddenly, the images of your nightmare fading rapidly. You look for your boyfriend, Dino, stretching your hand across the bed, to seek his comfort. You open your eyes wide when you don't find him there and you take deep breaths trying to slow down your heart rate.

"Must be up already." You mutter to yourself as you stretch your arms and legs. The rain slams down loudly against the window, making it hard to convince yourself to get our of bed.

You get up anyway and grab a hoodie. You put it on as you walk into the living room, hearing the clashing and banging coming from the kitchen. He's trying to cook again, you think to yourself.

You enter the kitchen to see Dino rushing around, clearly exasperated. You shake your head and smile, walking over to him.

"Mooorning." You say cheerfully and you lean your forehead against the top of his back. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I, er, I thought I'd make breakfast for you." He says, the panic clear in his voice. "Since its raining and cold I thought you might like a warm breakfast to help start the day but, uh, it's not going so well."

You peek around to the side to see a mess of pancake batter all over the kitchen counter and a burnt lump of it in the frying pan. You laugh and gently turn off the stove and take the mixing spoon from Dino's hands.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't even make a decent pancake for you." He mutters and you reach up to stroke his cheek with your spare hand.

"Don't worry about it, it's the thought that counts."

He sniffs loudly. You quickly look at his eyes. At first you thought he was crying but as you look closely at his face you see the paleness of his skin and the worrying blush on his cheeks and nose. You put the spoon down and reach up to gently touch his forehead. It was burning hot.

"Hey, are you sick? Does your head hurt? Why didn't you mention this earlier?" You fire questions at him and he shifts uncomfortably.

"It's nothing. Just a cold." He mumbles and he tries to turn away from you but you force him to face you.

"No it's not. It's a fever, isn't it? You can't go to practice, not like this."

"I'm fine! I have some painkillers for my head. I have to go to practice or we'll fall behind."


"Don't worry about it. Honestly Y/N, you worry too much. I'll be fine."

He walks away quickly, before you can say anything else on the matter. He crashes onto the sofa and turns on the TV. You sigh loudly and let it go while you try to save the frying pan. Once it's clean you use the rest of the batter to make pancakes for the both of you. You don't speak until you're done and you bring him a plate piled high topped with syrup.

"Here you go. Eat up." You say, propping in down on his lap.

He looks down at it. He swallow loudly and starts to eat. You watch him closely and you notice he almost has to force himself to eat. Clearly, he didn't have much of an appetite. You decide to ask him calmly this time.

"So, how long has this cold been going on?"

"Not long. It'll blow over soon." He answers.


A few minutes go by and he stops eating. He breathes heavily a sniffs again. He had only eaten one pancake.

"You done?" You ask him.

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