Your other self (kaldur/aqualad)

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you guys don't know how long I've been waiting for these chapters to come out! I'm like 70% sure though you guys already know what's gonna happen.

//third person pov//

You were swimming freely deep in the ocean looking for a place to lure in the people on an oncoming boat. You were in your siren form swimming up to the edge of a small island. You were nearly completely diffrent from your human form; your hair was now (f/c) and reached to your mid thigh. Your eyes were a piercing (f/c) and had light coral black water proof eye shadow. You also a (f/c) 'mermaid tail' instead of legs powerful, fast yet beautiful. You sat on the edge of the small rocky island and sang to lure them to crash.

-yout pov-

"come little children I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment~
come little children the times come to play, here in my garden of shadows~" I sang hypnotically as I could feel the change of coarse of the boat. I kept singing as the boat came closer and closer not exactly towards me but close to me.

I felt another shift in the water, one not caused by the movement of the boat. Two people by the feel of it were swimming towards me and quick, I ignored it though as I kept singing my song to the coming boat.

"hush now dear children, it must be this way to weary of life and deceptions~ rest now my children for soon we'll away into the calm and the quiet~" I sang as my necklace glowed adding music and extra voices in the back ground.

I was about to start singing again when I was thrown into the air and into the ocean by a whip kind of thing made of water. When I resurfaced I saw two Atlanteans helping the ship avoid the island. I continued my song luring the ship back.

'come little children I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment~ come little children the times come to play, here in my garden of shadows~' My necklace began the melody again as I faced the two Atlantean men.

'their king aquaman, so it only makes sense for the apprentice aqualad to be here as well...but boo I didn't wanna fight him!' I thought a bit upset I'd have to fight such a nice guy.

'Wait no I don't the Atlantean siren truce...' I swam in place arms crossed as the two of them neared me more, aqualad seemed suprised I was eather not fighting or was captured by my siren beauty.

"young lady I believe this is far beyond the borders of siren waters" their king told me in warning.

"yes but I was allowed permission to live in the area, is one siren in this territory so deadly?" I questioned aqualad still staring at me with a slightly open mouth aquaman also seemed to notice.

"This is my apprentice aqualad" he snapped aqualad out from his trance of sorts.

"pleasure" I say with a mischievous smile aquaman swims back a bit as if knowing my plan. "But I should be going, bye-bye" I gave him a quick kiss then swam into the water and swam quickly in a circle over and over till I created a whirlpool right under him.

I swam quickly off as aqualad was trapped in the whirlpool I assumed a bit shocked at the appearance.

'I swear Atlantean men, but at least he's amusing'

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