when he finds out pt. 2

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You were in your garden sitting down criss cross in front of an empty patch of soil you were planning on growing (F/f) in. You had already planted the seeds and watered them a little the previous day.
Slowly you curved your hand to the side and raised it up a little as you watched the (F/f) sprout up from the ground and grow before blossoming into beautiful and healthy flowers.
A small smile spread onto your lips as you looked at the patch of flowers, sometimes it was nice using your powers for small things like these it was calming and peaceful way of spending your time.
Little did you know that your boyfriend Conner was at your door surprised by what he had seen by using his X ray vision (I know it's infrared vision just go with X-ray for the story). He shook his head not believing it and slowly walked away from your house, many unclear thoughts going through his head.

~Time Skip~

You went to the park because Conner had called you saying he wanted to meet up with you there. Why? That you were unsure about which only made you worry something was wrong.
Once you had arrived you noticed Conner was sitting underneath the same tree the two of you had met at a month or two ago.
"Hey Connor, are you okay? You could have just came over to my place if you wanted to hang out." You said smiling as you walked up to him then sat down leaning against him.
"Yeah. Sure." He muttered, this wasn't too strange for him but you had gotten used to him saying more then just two words to you. You tried to start up a small conversation but he only responded with grunts or a single worded response. Something was definitely wrong.
"Conner if something is bothering you, you can tell me. Is there something you're hiding from me?"
This made him shake a little bit, it was barely noticeable but because you were right next to him it was hard to miss it.
"Am I hiding something from you?" He stated with a some noticeable irritation in his tone.
"I should be asking you that. (Y/n) I'm completely honest too you, and I don't hide things from you. Apparently that isn't a mutual thing between us though." He got up from his spot on the ground and moved so he was standing in front of you and staring at you with a slight hurt glare.
"Conner what are you talking about?" You asked confused and shocked by his statement.
He shook his head and tightened his fists, "when were you going to tell me? If you even were that is. That you're violet, that you're a villain" he said his voice cracking near the end cause he was trying to hold back his feelings. Feelings of hurt, discouragement and rage.
You sat silent, of all the things he could have said this was one of the few things you were hoping he wouldn't have said.
"Answer me!" He exclaimed raising his voice making you wince. Luckily there wasn't anyone in the park today to hear either of you.
"I...I didn't want you too know.." you finally whispered looking down at the ground unable to look him in the eyes.
"Why...why would you hide this from me, why would you hang out with me let alone date me if you're a villain" if this was happening he wanted an explanation, no. He needed one. He needed to know if you had feelings for him or if you were just playing with him this whole time; manipulating him into thinking that you cared about him at all.
"Because you're amazing and sweet even if you act all tough" you mumbled quietly. "Because I started to really like you after I got to know more about you, and it became more then that. I thought if I told you that...that everything would be ruined and you'd would leave me."
Tears threaten to fall from your eyes as you choked out your response. Conner wasn't any better, his throat hurt and he fell to his knees pulling you into a tight embrace.
It was impossible for him, he could hear the pain and sadness in your voice and tell you were being genuine. You were both upset and didn't want to loose each other because of this and he knew that.
"(Y/n), promise me you're not lieing to me. Promise you won't betray me" he muttered holding you against his chest tightly.
You nodded wrapping your arms around his waist.
"I promise"



(This one is gonna be a bit different and a tad shorter then the others)

You were in your siren for swimming near your 'secret' beach which wasn't so secret since Kaldur refused to leave you alone until you handed him your necklace.
"Aqualad I am getting aggrivated and you know very well that I will hurt you if I am this way, leave me be" you stated glaring at him. You didn't want to hurt him but you sort of had too when ever he tried taking the necklace from you.
"My apologies but I can't, not until you give me that necklace I already told you that I need to take it back to my HQ". He said swimming next too you.
"And I already told you no, why will you not get that through your head" you growled growing more and more irritated.
"Please I don't want to have too resort to force once again, I'll return it as soon as I can" he tried negotiating but you just couldn't let him have it regardless if he's your boyfriend or not.
The reason to this is because if you take this necklace off while in your siren form you'll transform back to your human state, or at least appearance wise. The necklace would help you control your transforming until you turned a certain age so you weren't allowed to take it off as a siren until that day.
You swam away from him and went further into the shore until you were sitting down with your tail in the water and your upper body up on land.
Of course he had followed you up onto the shore, you caught him staring at you a little bit which made you even more aggrivated cause you were his girlfriend but right now you weren't you..is it weird to be jealous of yourself?
"What you staring at blondey?" You said making him snap out of it and blush lightly before he mumbled something shaking his head.
"I don't mean too. It's just now that I look at you properly, you look a lot like someone I care deeply about" he said and continued to stare at you as if trying to figure something out.
'Craaaap!' you mentally panicked but didn't allow it to show on your expression.
"Do you know other sirens in the area?" You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.
His eyes widened for a quick millisecond when he finally realized who you were but hid it because you didn't seem to know he knew.
He sat down next to you and continued to gaze upon you. Eventually his steady gaze made you blush lightly which you tried to hide by turning you head.
He gently grabbed your chin and pulled your head so you were looking at him before he kissed you how he always did.
Instinctively you kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck. That is until you realize he wasn't kissing you he was kissing siren and pushed him away.
"What the hell! Don't you have a girlfriend!?" You exclaimed glaring daggers at him.
He simply smirked and nodded holding up your necklace in one hand, "yes I do, and she's sitting right in front of me" he chuckled.
You gasped and looked at yourself to come to view with your human form.
"First of all damn you fish boy, second of all you tricked me! And Third of all give me back my necklace!" You exclaimed reaching out for it.
He simply smiled holding it out of your reach "No, not until you explain your self. Why didn't you tell me you siren?" He asked.
"I was ordered not to tell anyone what my identity was by the pod leaders but now you know. Can I have my necklace now?"
"Make up for all the times you've hurt the hell out of me" he added still not handing you the necklace.
You groaned slightly but smiled a little leaning up and kissing him again.
Pushing him down onto the ground you deepened the kiss before rolling off of him and diving into the ocean swimming away. It took him a few minutes to realize that you had taken the necklace from him.
Grinning to himself he dove after you.


Woohoo! Finished! Alright here's what's new, I'm back in school and I've been even more busy then usual so I've decided my uploading schedule: I'll upload on Tuesdays and Saterdays sound cool? Cool!
Anyways please request more ideas my fabulous pandacorns!

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