Asking You Out!

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-Your P.O.V-

Conner and I were hanging out at my place since my mom was out on yet another one of her trips to try to destroy the Justice league and rule the world, you know the usual. We were in the living room watch Deadpool which made me laugh cause of all the stupid humor and violence in it right off the bat. (have you guys seen the Deadpool movie yet? its so flipping awsome!) Conner on the other hand was cringing at how people were practically dying and or fighting in the movie.

"uh (Y/N) are you seriously enjoying this? isn't this guys supposed to be a hero?" he asked with a slight frown on his face, why does he look s cute when he's like that..

I may have a bit of a crush on the hot head, he was just different from other guys. He's okay with having space and not bothering me when I really can't be bothered or when I'm busy. Plus he's fun to mess with cause of how low key innocent he was.

"nope he's an anti-hero, not a hero not a villain but is just badass enough to be either" I explained as I watched the move but not really, I was actually looking at him more then the screen.

There's no way someone could resist not falling for him right? He's fun to be around when I'm not feeling all that good, he just seems to make me a lot happier then anyone really can, well except for my villain girl friends but still that's pretty impressive considering we've only known each other for a few months; There was also the fact that he was just way to attractive for his own good I mean did the world get all its hotness and put it into one guy, I mean seriously!

I shook my head getting me out of my own thoughts and I could feel my cheeks become a little warmer. I tried to hide it before he noticed, he would probably tease me about it or something. What are even the chances of him liking me back at all though...

-Conner's p.o.v-

I took a glance to the side and saw (Y/N) blushing lightly for some reason, it just made her look a lot cuter then she usually does, and that's a hard thing to do.

Aside from M'gann no one knows about me hanging out with (Y/N) so much and I would prefer it that way to be honest. I looked back at the screen to see this deadpool guy cut someones head off, i quickly looked away from the scene trying not to cringe.

'how the heck does she like watching this stuff!?' I thought to myself and moved a little bit. I stiffened when I felt something leaning against me then relaxed since it was only (Y/n).

Secretively looking down at her a small smile found its way onto my face, how I stopped myself from kissing her head I have no idea but I know it's hard as heck not too. It's easy to let my guard down when I'm around her, for some reason she's just so calming to be around like I could tell her nearly anything and I'd be able to trust her with it no problem. Her fiery attitude or smart mouth were part of the reason I was falling for her, I hadn't met anyone like her before except for maybe Artamis but she wasn't really anything compared to (y/n). (Y/n) might be a bit rude at first glance but she really is kind, has a bit of an attitude, but kind none the less.

'how am I supposed to ask her' I thought as I started to get upset with myself, I'm not very good with telling or showing people how exactly I feel, so how am I supposed to show (Y/N). I think back to earlier at the cave when M'gann gave me some advice, if that's what you could call it.

-mini flashback-

"M'gann I honestly don't think that you could actually help in this situation" I told her sighing while sitting down on the couch a bit irritated that she was keeping me from heading to meet up with (y/n).

"Listen Conner I may not have much relationship experience, but I am still a girl and having a girls advice on this can be such a huge help I swear!" she stated eager to help for some odd reason.

I sighed and gave up leaning back onto the couch "alright but would you mind making it quick I need to meet up with (y/n) soon"

"It won't take long! You've been trying to figure out how to ask out (y/n) right? and your're going over to her place to watch a movie so why don't you pull her close so she's resting against you an-" I cut her off.

"no way M'gann, I'm not doing that" I said as my face started to heat up a little bit.

"fine fine, but if she somehow ends up leaning against you then you should wrap an arm around her and see for her reaction" she said smiling.

"yeah sure I'll do that"

-present time-

At the time I was just saying that to get her to let me leave but maybe I should give it a shot. Deciding that I could just play it off as friendly if things don't go the way I hope, I slowly wrap my arm around her waist trying not to blush as I glanced down at her and waited to see how she would react.

-Your P.O.V-

I was focused on the movie when I felt an arm slide around my waist slowly making me blush. I looked up at Conner to see him staring straight ahead to the screen as if he wasn't doing anything.

'maybe he did it on accident?' I thought to myself still blushing as I tried to play attention to the movie but failed. After a few moments of silence I felt something on my head making me look up to be face to face with a blushing Conner.

'did he just kiss my head!?' I mentally freaked out out blushing like all mighty hell

"C-conner why did you just do that?" I stuttered looking up at him blushing darkly

He looked down at me with a small smirk as he pecked my forehead "Don't ask, how would you feel about being mine?" he asked and I could just hardly make out a light blush on his cheeks.

I blinked a few times trying to process what he had said and nodded slowly then hugged him "how could I say no to my very own superboy hm?" I asked slightly jokingly as I smiled happily as we watched the rest of the movie cuddling.

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