Garfield/Beastboy Catchup

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~You Meet~

-Third person-

You were at the local pound taking a few of the new dogs and cats baths so that they would look their best when people came to pick out one of them to take to their new homes. 

"See now that wasn't so bad was it?" You giggled as you finished drying a small, black kitten off after its bath. It looked up at you and let out a soft mew and tilted its small head to the side slightly. 

"Ooo, you adorable little fluff ball~" You cooed softly and handed it to a fellow volunteer who took it away to where it would be sleeping until it got adopted. Yawning a small bit you stretched your arms up above your head and walked back to where more dogs were waiting, especially about this one small puppy you heard someone talk about that was dyed green and passed out when they had found them. 

You walked to the kennel it was put in and looked inside to see it still soundly asleep on its doggy bed. Kneeling down next to the small animal you gently pet its head and spoke to it in a soft whisper.

"hey there little guy, come on now lets get you cleaned up now" you said as you continued to pet it. It slowly woke up with small yawn as it got up and stretched its small green paws in front of it- well actually him now that you can see him a little bit better. "good morning little guy"

He looked up at you then looked around blinking a few times before his little eyes widened. Suddenly before your eyes the once green puppy had morphed into a boy; A green, rather cute in a weird way, but a boy. You stared at him shocked at hat you had just witnessed and began to stutter in utter shock and disbelief.

"What the literal heck!?" you exclaimed probably a bit to loudly causing a few of the dogs around you to start up a confused clamor of  howls and barks.

The boy laughed a little and scratched the back of his head "I think you might have scared them a little bit". 

"Stating the obvious I see, also back to my little what the heck thing. What the heck!? you were just a puppy and now you're a boy!? And why are you green? Ya know what that part isn't to important but seriously what!?" You rambled trying to make sense of what just happened.

"um, well I turned into a puppy to relax and chill out but then I fell asleep and next thing I know I'm in a kennel with you, yeah that's pretty much all I can really say, but about the shifting thing if it wasn't obvious I have powers" He explained as simple as he could at the moment.

"oh...OH! You're Beastboy!" You said finally having connected the pieces together and held in a squeal, not like you would tell him but he's one of your favorite heroes in the world now a days.

"yeah I am, but you can call me Garfield" he said smiling with a little silly and awkward smile.

"Alright Garfield, it's nice to meet you. You can call me (Y/n) if you want too" you introduced your self a bit awkwardly not really knowing what to do in this situation, you weren't exactly great with guys, even less so with guys who're heroes.

"Sweet!" He smiled but then let out a small gasp "Shoot! Megan is gonna kill me! I gotta go now, Thanks for waking me up and stuff see ya!" he exclaimed quickly and turned into a bird and flying out of the kennel before shortly coming back as a boy again. "Um, how do I gt out of this place?" he asked blushing lightly.

You couldn't help but let out a small giggle. After closing the Kennel you were in you showed him the way out, or more like you carried him out because he had changed back into a bird to hide his embarrassment. Once you has reached the exit he flew off and you waved goodbye before returning back to work in a much more peppy mood.

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