He/You use a pick up line

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You were just chilling out on the couch when Dick walked up and plopped next to you.
"Hey (Y/n) there may be millions out there, but you're worth it all" he said with a grin.
You blinked a few times confused and then started laughing your butt off.
"T-that was awful!! Love you may be rich but please never make jokes again" you exclaimed trying to catch your breath.
He blushed and looked away embarrassed. "oh whatever" he mumbled after you pecked his cheek.

-Kid flash/wally-

You were eating potato chips in your room casually when wally suddenly came in through the window next to you.
"Oh (y/n)~" he cooed with that goofy grin you loved.
"What is it?" You asked speedster
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you're an angel~"
You blinked a few times before pouting.
"So you're pretty much calling me a demon" you stated making him freeze up a little.
"Wait what no no no! That's not what I was saying!" He said flusteredly waving his arms around making you giggle and hug him.
"It's okay it makes more sense. Besides I'm a very, very bad girl" you cooed crawling onto his lap.
He blushed shades of red your hardly knew existed and jumped out the window leaving you on the bed laughing your ass off.


You were laying down on the ground in your room as Conner did push-ups above you. This was probably one of your favorite excersizes he did for two reasons:
-You get a kiss every set of 10.
-He does his push-ups shirtless
"Hey Conner~" you cooed as he started a new set of pushups barely breaking much of a sweat.
Responding with a low grunt of acknowledgement he continued his push-ups but was listening.
"Did you get a ticket because I see fine all over you" you purred looking up at him.
His eyes widened slightly and you could see a light blush dust his cheeks. He got up off you and put his shirt back on making you pout.
"Noooooo~" you whined as you sat up slightly glaring at him.
"It's your fault for saying such a cheesy pick up line" he mumbled and left to take a shower.


You and Kaldur were at your apartment, which was a first for him so he was constantly looking around taking in his new surroundings.
Mentally giggling you hugged him from behind. "Kaldur it's an apartment not an undiscovered underwater cave".
"Yeah but it's your apartment and I never get to come here".
He placed his hands over your and took hold of them turning around so he was facing you. Then he remembered something wally had told him to tell you.
"You love water, so you love 80% of me. Let's work on that last 20%" he said wondering if he said that correctly.
You laughed at his pick up line and shook your head. "No need, no need". Grinning you pecked his cheek and left to the kitchen.



You and your boyfriend Bart were snuggling in the part under a tree while he played with your hair.
"Hey Bart?" You're voice mumbled calmly.
"Yessss?" He answered holding out the S in an absolutely adorbs voice.
"Are your legs tired? Cause you've been running through my mind all day". Smiling at your own terrible pick up line you looked up at him and see him grinning like an adorable goof.
"A little bit but that was only cause I was lost in your eyes the whole time"
You squealed hugging him and kissed him sweetly "your so cute!"

-Jaime/Blue beetle-

"Hey Jaime!" You yelled jumping onto his back suddenly. The two of you were in school hanging out during your free period in the patio.
"Como puedo ayudarte hermosa~ How can I help you beautiful~" he said and like always his Spanish accented voice is hot as hell!
"Si te digo que tienes un cuerpo precioso,¿me lo restregaràs por la cara?" You asked him and softly kissed his neck.
You could tell he was blushing brightly as he nodded quickly and looking away as you giggled.

(Translation to what you said: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?)

-Garfield/Beast boy-

Garfield was resting his head peacefully on your lap as the two of you relaxed near a lake you had found while on a hike.
Softly stroking his hair and keeping it off from his face you looked down at him smiling.
He slowly woke up and smiled softly. "Did I die while I slept? Cause I just woke up to an angel" he chimed sweetly.
"Oh jeez Gar that was so cute" you said smiling before kissing the top of his green head softly.


This is important! If you all want me to add on Jaime, Bark and Garfield to this book then I need at the very least 6 people to comment that they want me too by next Saturday. Also come on I need requests to it'll be more fun! These are your scenarios give me ideas on what you wanna happen next!

-peace out my pandicorns!

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