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I've come back after so long, I hope you all didn't miss me too much! This next chapter: Barts girlfriends Secrets chaptet, this by far is probably one of my favorites so enjoys my pandicorns!


  "Bart, Jaimie get out of here! We told you it's a girls only week!" I yelled pushing them out of the apartment (j/g) and I shared.
  "But babe!" bart whimpered before I slammed the door on his face.
  "You are cruel," (J/g) said crossing her arms with a small smile.
  "Yeah Yeah I know," I waved her off not really caring. We waited a while until we knew that the guys were gone, it was time for us to talk about our plans.
  "We already have the targets wrapped around our fingers, now we just need to wait for the right timing." I said sitting down on the couch sharpening one of my many blades.
  "(y/n)... Do you really feel nothing for Bart? You look so happy with him" she asked looking down at me.
  "Do I feel anything for Bart. Feelings are a very wide scale of emotions, if you mean do I love him than yes I do," I said honestly, "but that won't change the mission that we've been givin."
  She nodded but I could tell that she no longer wanted to hurt Jaimie, and that she wouldn't if she had the choice; But she doesn't, neither of us do.
  "We don't have a choice, it's not like we can move on from this and act like nothing ever happened." I said I'm a low voice.
  I think back to how this even started, and what I was so desperately fighting my feelings for.

         -Flash back

  "Please I'll pay you anything! Please just let me go!" a wrinckled, old man begged on his knees as he backed away as quickly as he could. One step at a time I made my way closer to him, knife in my gloved hand.
  "And how about the mercy those innocent people needed? The ones that you drenched their homes walls with their own blood," I asked sinically, "your sins have become too long a list to ignore."
  "I'll pay you anything! Anything at all twice- no. Three times whatever you're getting paid now!" the man continued to make offers till I had backed him up against a wall.
  "My payment," I mumbled dragging the knife down his cheek slowly, "will be your death."
  A scream echoes the man's room before silence takes it's place. Leaving the knife sheathed in his chest I walked out of the room down to the kitchen. It was empty and lacked anything actually edible except for half eaten containers of Chinese food or take out.
  "Ridiculous how the hell did he even survive off of this? I can't wait to leave this stupid time line" I grumbled closing the refrigerator door before taking out my phone.
  "Subject 56G had been released," I reported monotonely to my employer. After a few minutes I got a message showing that I had been sent my pay for the job.
  Stretching I made my way out of the building the same way I got in and jumped from roof to roof looking for something to do. That's when something happened that I didn't see coming from a mile away, the world went black.





  "Awaken project Reaper" A voice ordered me but I couldn't recognize it as anyone who'd want to kill me so I stayed asleep to see their next move.
  "Phantom Artist wake her up, I do not have time for this." The voice said and I could hear someone walking closer when suddenly I felt somethin repeatedly hitting my stomach.
  Jumping awake to stop the next blow I grabbed hold of a giant paint brush?
  "Kirby that's enough come on," a feminine voice called and the brush shrank and flew away to a girl who looked older than me. She stood next to a creature I've never seen before but right now I'm more concerned about how I'll escape.
  "Project Reaper we've been watching you, and it has been determined that you will be the perfect addition to our mission," the Creature said with a smirk.
  "Where am I and what are you talking about," I questioned glaring at it tensely. That's when the one they had called Phantom Artist stepped up, "we aren't going to hurt you we just need your help 'releasing' a few people," she said and held up a picture of a team of super hero's.
  "Serve the Reach and the reward for your services will be grand" the Creature said spiking my interest.
  "And what would that be?" I asked raising a brow.
  "Your memories, who you were and why you're here to begin with."
My eyes widened before I nodded, "Where do we begin?"

       -end of flashback-

  I need to know who I was, why I was here, and I would do anything for the knoledge. Even if it meant ending the one person I cared about.
Touching her arm I looked at her, my eyes bowing no emotion.

    "Besides... How can I move on when I don't even know where I've been?"

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