When he finds out Pt. 1

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You were on a solo heist to steal the cat eye diamonds as a mothers day gift since your mom had had her eyes on them for a while but hasn't had the time to get them. Just as you were walking on the tops of building admiring the precious rocks you had taken you jumped backwards barely dodging a certain birdies attack.
Growling you put the diamonds in your utility belt and faced the boy blunder himself aka your boyfriend.
'Oh this is gonna be hard...' you thought to your self before you decided to bolt it.
"Hey! Get back here!" He yelled and you heard him chase after you not that far behind.
"Shouldn't you be looking after your girlfriend (y/n), would hate too see her get hurt!" You yelled, yeah it was playing a bit dirty on your part but come on your the bad guy it's what you do.
Robins eyes widened at the mention of your name as he caught up to you and kicked your back sending you tumbling down rolling a bit before you stopped on all four and hissed at him before quickly getting up and kneeling him in the gut.
Stepping back a little he glared at you as you both stood there waiting for each other to make the first move.
"Stay away from (y/n)" he finally stated, his voice low and threatening.
"Oh what you afraid that if I meet her I'll leave a few scratches? Is it bad for a girl to be a little jealous" you purred smirking.
"I swear if you touch her I'll kill you!"
You honestly didn't know whether to be touched by this as his girlfriend or threatened since your his enemy.
While in your in your thoughts he takes the chance and lands a sudden punch to your jaw making you stumble back. Your mask broken on the ground.
Rubbing your jaw as you looked down at the ground you slipped on the edge of the roof loosing your balance you look up and fall backwards.
Robin gasped catching a glimpse of your face but immediately knowing it was you and used his grappling gun to stop you from falling and pulled you back up.
"(Y/n)!? You're midnight!?" He exclaimed, his emotions were everywhere right now. He was mainly hurt though thoughts about if you even liked him, why you didn't tell him and all types of questions springing up in his mind as he took a few steps away from you shaking his head.
"Dick..." you didn't know what to say, you had been caught. Why did you think this was going to work villains and heros can't be together but you still fell for the boy blunder.
"Why didn't you tell me!...Do you even actually like me or were you planning on using me.." he said his voice trying to hide his sadness at the thought.
"No! No I wasn't planning anything I do like you, I really do!" You said standing up and walking closer to him.
He stayed still unable to move until he felt you hug him, your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and really really hoped he would regret what he was about to do.
"Alright..I'm going to trust you okay?" He said and you nodded and before you knew it he had pulled you into a kiss which you happily returned until he pulled away suddenly.
"Cya tomorrow babe" he winked smiling before disappearing.
You smiled and were going to get the cat eye diamonds from your belt but realized they weren't there.
"Damn you Boy blunder!!!!!!" You yelled but then couldn't help but smile when you heard his adorkable laugh in the distance.

-Wally/Kid Flash-

I was in the woods taking a break from everything after my mom, sister and I had just been 'defeated' by the batman and a few of the young justice, my boyfriend KF included.
This was getting sort of tiring both physically and mentally having to fight against Wally, it was hard to say the very least so this break is very helpful for me.
Throwing my whip up and over a tree branch I tied it and used it as a swing, rocking back and forth I let out a small sigh of content.
That is until of course a blur of yellow and a bit of red ran past me making me fall off and look up to see, surprise surprise KF!
'This is gonna suck isn't it..' I thought to myself as I quickly got to my feet and reached to quickly get my whip but then noticed he had it in his hands.
"Give it back speedy Gonzalez!" I exclaimed as I lunged at him to try and get it back. Stupid Idea.
"Seriously, why wont anyone just say kid flash!?" He yelled before running behind me and elbowing my back making me hit the ground hard.
I kicked his feet from underneath him and pinned him down to the ground glaring as I tried to get my whip back.
He flipped us over so he was pinning me and smirked. "Sorry beautiful I already have a girlfriend so we can't be playing these games anymore, so that means no more letting you escape" he said sticking his tongue out with a small smirk.
"Awe what a shame and here I was hoping we could play for a while longer" I said with a small smile as I kicked him where the sun don't shine making him whimper and role off me in a fetal position.
Why is it people don't do that more often again? Awe man I feel so bad I did that!!
I took my whip from him and started running whole I had the chance to hide somewhere.
Before I could though I felt myself role on the ground, he had tackled me while I was running. What is up with people and tackling these days!?
"That was a real cheap blow!" He said his voice a little high, I punched him repeated on his side as held me down in a triangle lock choking me.it was getting hard to breath and if this kept up I'll end up passing out soon. Seems I don't have any other choice.
"Wally, Wally stop it.." I said my voice strained. I felt him loosen his grip a little before he let go looking down at me shocked.
"No....no, no way your not who I think you are" he said as I regained my breath. It was time to let the cat out of the bag.
I nodded my head and took off my mask biting my lip slightly.
"Hey love..." you said in a sheepish and nervous voice.
"Don't 'hey love' me, you were shadow this whole time!? How am I supposed to feel about this my girlfriend is a villain that I've been fighting for the past couple of months!" He yelled pulling back his mask and running his hand through his hair.
"I know and my boyfriend is the hero I've been fighting, it's all very mentally exhausting" I said sighing.
"Why didn't you tell me.." he asked sadly and I walked up to him.
"I was afraid you'd hate me" you confessed looking down at the ground.
Unexpectedly he pulled me into a tight hug "I could never hurt you, just don't make me not be able to trust you okay?" He said softly and I nodded.
I pulled him into a kiss then rested my head against his chest. "That's a sorry for kicking you".
He simply mumbled a few things before pulling me back in and kissing me again.

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