You meet his friends

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IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I- WAIT CAPS IS ON ONE SEC..... That's better *clears throat* alright it's been forever since I've updated so I'm sorry bout that I've just been so lazy!! I'm sowwy~ any who (f/a) stands for fav animal.


-your pov-

"Dick I don't wanna go though!!" I whined laying covered all snug and cozy in my covers. It's Saturday and I am fully intending on sleeping in till tomorrow afternoon, maybe longer.

"(y/n) I don't care, you said we could hang out today, come on we had a deal!" he argued pulling on the ends of the covers revealing me in a tank top and (f/a) pj's.

I groaned sleepily as my right leg kicked at him lazily in an effort of defense. Yeah that failed big time.

After about 10 minutes of my complaints he had pushed me off my bed....HE PUSHED ME OFF MY BED!!!

I got up and glared at him before sighing and putting on a (f/c) hoodie. He looked at me with a confused expression and was about to say something, But then I punched him in the gut.


just kidding~ that didn't actually happen I just threw a zebra plushie at his head. "I'm going in my pj's deal with it" I said sleepily as he pulled me out of the house.

~Time skip~

"Well hello there beautiful~" some red head with freckles said leaning down to look me in the eyes. I'm pretty short so yeah most guys are taller then me.

"Shut up wally you haven't even met her yet" dick said rolling his eyes. This wally guy grabs my hand and kisses the back of it, I'm seriously resisting punching this freckle cookie in the face right now.

"I'm wally nice to meet you little lady" he said winking. I blinked a few tines before stepping on his foot hard and flipping him onto the ground with his arm behind his back. Dick laughed along with the rest of the group that I'm yet to be aquantanced to while wally just groaned.

"Nice to meet cha too freackles, but don't call me little lady again capichè?" I said looking down at him before letting go of his arm.

He nodded but stayed on the ground. I poked him with my foot and he only rolled away from me making me chuckle. I looked up to the rest of the group as dick introduced me to each of them. There was Conner, Meagan, Artimis (is that his you spell her name??) And kaldur, I had already been introduced to mr freckle cookie.

We all talked for a little bit with me constantly having to flip wally onto the ground cause the dummy won't stop flirting with me damn it! But all in all I'm pretty okay with being dragged outta bed.



Your p.o.v

"Wally I'm going to strangle you!! You said there would be ice cream!" I yelled chasing the red head around the park.

He had promised me ice cream if I had followed him to the park.... I SEE NO ICECREAM HERE!!!

"Come on (y/n)! Don't kill me I'll buy you ice cream later I just wanted you to meet some of my other friends!!" He yelled running away a bit scared of me cause I'm pretty sure my eyes were glowing red with anger.

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