Chapter 34 - Public

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It wasn't easy but we made it out of the Z100 offices without causing too much of a frenzy.

Having to lay low for a bit, we all make it back to our hotel which of course was filled with girls waiting to catch a glimpse of the boys. As we are let in from the back gated area I couldn't help looking out the window and notice people actually try to get close to our SUVs.

"Oh my.." I gasp.

"Don't worry." Harry squeezes my hand.

"Won't they get hurt?"

"They're smart enough to not try and get run over.. I think." He laughs softly.


"I'm kidding!"

"Or is he?" Niall chimed in from the back seat.

"Don't you start too!" I frown.

Our driver parks close to the nearest door and in the quickest manor we exit the vehicle. The brief moment we were outside the screaming was insane! I looked up at Harry as we walked through the kitchen of the hotel and he looked so happy. He was a ray of sunshine even in the craziest situations.

Niall remained close behind as security along with hotel personnel walked us through to an elevator. Zayn, Liam and Louis should have arrived before us since our SUV was meant to arrive later in order for us to avoid the chaos. Pfft like that ever works.

"Are you guys doing room service?" Niall asks as we're finally behind closed doors with just security.

"If time permits." I say looking for my phone.

"Nervous for the ball tonight Ri?"


"She's terrified actually." Harry laughs.

"You'll be fine, just a quick in and out thing." Niall assured.

"I hope so.."


We all get off at the top floor and I was suddenly feeling nervous for once in my life. This event was actually going to happen and Harry would take me as his Plus One.

"I'll see you guys later." Niall says taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Bye Niall." Harry hums.

I'm so use to his touch I almost forgot Harry's hand was still holding mine. Before I knew it we were at the door of our room and he was shaking me into reality.

"Rian.." He smiled. "You ok?"

"Yes.. Umm just thinking about tonight that's all."

I let got of his hand to dig through my purse. Quickly finding the key I unlock the door and we both step inside out room. Normally I would open the blinds up to let in the natural light but that wouldn't be possible anymore. I have to hide.

"I was just teasing you in the elevator love, but are you really scared to go?"

"Not necessarily scared more like nervous." I place my purse on the floor and throw my self on the bed. "Harry this is our first public appearance."

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