Chapter 15 - "Shit"

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I don't know why but there was something about the way he said that that made my stomach flip. His face looked sincere, eyes not wanting to leave mine but being that I'm a coward I drop my gaze and quickly take a sip from my beer.

"You say that like it's a bad thing.." I joke.

"Its not." he looks down "You are a good kind of different, don't you think so?"

"I guess so, if you don't mind hanging out with someone boring."

"You think you're boring?"

"A little bit.."

"Far from it."

"I mean look at you.." I then shake my head "You're use to meeting interesting people every day and-"

"So are you.."

"Right but I don't talk or interact with them like you do. I'm always in the background."

"Well look at you right now, you're having a conversation with me."

"Only because you are so pushy."

Did I just say that?

"Me?" Harry gasps. "Pushy?"

"I bet you never had to work this hard to talk to a girl before."

"Ha-ha you're right." he smiles "And that's what I like about you."

"What.." I freeze.

"When ever they team us up to work with new people, especially here in the states.. not even five minutes into meeting me and the guys i'm being asked for a photo."

"Well I would never do that.."

"Exactly.. Rian you are far from being like any girl I've ever met."

Did he really just say that?

"I can see why Logan likes you so much."

"Y-yeah.." I stutter "He's super protective over me."

"I would be too."

For the millionth time I look down at my drink but to my dismay my glass was empty. For the first time in a long time I didn't know what to reply to someone and that was something I always did.

Looking up at Harry, he seemed to be facing his own inner monologue as well. We both didn't say a word and instead looked out at the skyline, or at least I pretended to because for some reason I was just now taking a better look at Harry. Tonight he was wearing a simple white shirt with black jeans, his shoes looked way too dirty but he didn't seem to mind.

Things for a moment almost seemed normal. Back home I could of met a boy and been out with him having a drink, becoming suddenly shy at a comment he said; like now. Harry would be a catch for any girl and I could see why the tabloids loved messing with him, he really was super friendly.

But like I said everything was almost normal. As I looked over my shoulder I could tell that people were starting to notice Harry. Even though this was something I was use to with Reagan, Harry was way more famous than her which intimidated me.

"Umm.. dont worry Preston is watching."


"Our head of security. Want him to come closer?"

"Oh errr.. n-no i'm fine."

"You sure?" he frowns "You seem a bit tense.. if it was about my comment earlier im sorry-"

"Don't. It's okay.. I just need another beer."

"Okay" he smiled.

Picking up my empty glass I watch Harry walk away towards the bar. I notice Preston follow him and feel a lot calmer about us being here.

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