Chapter 20 - Secret

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Did last night really happen?


I mean it had to. My lips felt swollen as I reached up to touch them. Harry's kisses reminding how wonderful last night turned out to be. 

Stretching my right hand over to my bedside table I hesitate a bit as I pick up both my phones. I decide to go ahead and check my Blackberry first; business was more important. Like always just checking the itinerary for the day was overwhelming and it looked like we'd be flying out to the UK tonight. Nothing out of the ordinary except I received a harshly written email by who seemed to be Zayn's assistant. She seemed to not be very happy with the way I was treating him? I'd have to see with Lisa in management about this because I have no clue why this girl named Keira wanted to cause me problems when I haven't worked directly with just Zayn.

I take a deep breath and decide to pull my sheets off me. With a long yawn I walk over to the large window to take a look outside. It was so sunny outside, too early to be this sunny.. wait what time was it? Looking at the clock on the table I realize it's eleven in the morning much later than I thought.


Placing my phones on the same table I take the time to fully pull the curtain back and unlock the glass door that led me into the balcony. The view from here was spectacular, I hugged myself realizing it was a bit cold even with the sun out. Suddenly I begin to hear what sounds like screaming.? I lean forward and place my hand on the rail only to see there were was maybe a hundred girls right across the street from the hotel. What the hell! They seemed to be waving up to where I was but as I looked to my right I realized that Niall was outside on his balcony as well. Shaking my head I step back and watch as he blows kisses at the girls.

"Weirdo." I smile to myself.

His balcony wasn't next to mine, but since he was only two doors down from me I had a clear view that he was only wearing shorts! My mouth dropped a bit as I realized why the girls continued to scream; they loved the view.

"Niall!" I then yell.

He ignores me and continues to look down amused with the growing crowd of girls.

"Niall get inside!" I yell once more.

Finally he looks in my direction and gives me a huge smile.

"Morning Blondie." he waves.

"Please get inside, Preston is gonna freak."

"Shit you're probably right." he chuckles.

"Please." I insist.


I watch as he waves one last time at the huge crowd and begins to walk backwards. Relieved I do the same and make sure he walks all the way in. Right when I thought this problem was all done with and i'm back in my room, once again I hear the screaming build up.


I grab my blackberry and look for Preston' number so he could head over to the Niall's room but once I walk outside the balcony I freeze.

Harry was standing there this time.

"Hello?" I hear from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah.. umm.. Preston w-we have security issue across the street." I say looking down.

"I'm aware of it Rian." he sounds frustrated "Has the crowd gotten bigger?"


"Well thanks for telling me, help keep an eye on the boys."

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