Chapter 9 - Hero

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I kept my eyes on his. Harry's smile never left his lips and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You don't have to remind me.."

"Please don't call me beautiful then, that's what my boyfriend is for." I rolled my eyes.

"I was just trying to compliment you Rian, don't get all worked up."

I glared at him, trying not to seem more mad than I already was.

"How is your boyfriend anyways?"

"He's great."

"So I imagine I'll be seeing him soon?"

"No, why?"

"He won't be visiting you on set?"

"Oh, well if he has time. I think he just landed a roll in a new movie."

"What a shame but I'm sure you'll enjoy hanging out with me and the guys in set." he smiled.

Oh no.

"Haha, we'll see."

"What? I'm not as bad as I seem." Harry chuckles "you'll grow to like me."


Harry's smile was the biggest Id ever seen it, dimples and all. He really wanted us to get a long.

"So what have you and Louis figured out so far?"

"For the video?"

"Yes, I mean I was listening but you whisper a lot." he laughed.

"I didn't think you wanted to listen.."

"Well it's my bands video, I'd like to know what it's about."

"Right.. well umm" I flip around the notepad I had been scribbling on "as you can see we've pretty much only set up the beginning sequence."

"Like before the video even starts? I heard they want to make it ten minutes?"

"Yes, we're thinking about making it a story of sorts."

"Oh and these drawings?"

I look at to where he's pointing. My messy story board not doing justice to my true vision.

"Just and idea for a scene, I'm thinking that I'd like to shoot some scenes here on the beach of Reagan walking down a dock with one of you guys."

"Love story?"

"Oh no. Louis thinks it should be more of a friend situation, like let's say it was you or Niall meeting up with Reagan somewhere and she's sad; you're the people giving her hope that everything will be okay."

"Wow.. so this picture right here is her standing on a dock with Louis?"

Taking the notepad back I nod. My sketch was a messy one but you could tell it was a girl and a boy standing side by side, looking at the ocean.


"Well they weren't kidding when they said you were the best."

I couldn't but smile at him. His words sounded so sincere and well that smile which never left his lips was more inviting than ever. Looking down from his gaze I feel my face heating up a bit. Was I blushing!?

"Mind if I see that again?" Harry asks looking at my papers.

"Go ahead."

Pretty much throwing it at him I scoot back in my chair an reach for my phone. Quickly pulling it out of my purse I look through my contacts until I find the one I was looking for; Logan.

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