Chapter 7 - "Where You Belong"

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The line at Starbucks was ridiculous like always. Why do I even bother?

My lunch break felt shorter than usual because I felt like I needed to figure what this meeting with Reagan would be about. Last night I couldn't sleep with the thought that they wanted to help her release another album; nightmare worthy really.

I was walking through the lobby of the SONY offices with Rebecca when I heard someone obnoxiously call my name.


Turning around I see none other than Reagan walking over to me with an extra cup of Starbucks. She was dressed in her usual mini dress and heels while I looked ordinary in my head to toe black shirt, and shoes.

"For me?" I ask.

"Yes." she smiled handing me the frappucino "thought you'd need it."

Of course she was able to get some without even standing in line.

"Always so thoughtful. Thanks." I say grabbing it.

"Very welcome."

"Oh umm. Rebecca this is Reagan. Reagan this is an intern Rebecca she will be helping you while we're here."

"Hi." Rebecca smiled.

"Hello." Reagan half smiled.

Ugh. There she goes again. I don't know why but Reagan had this thing about meeting new people who weren't important. Again another reason why people found her arrogant at times. Lord knows how she grew to like me.

"We should head up stairs, meeting starts in about ten minutes." I say turning around.

"Okay." Reagan nodded.

Once again I found myself getting nervous, maybe I was just worried about the whole Logan thing and it was messing with my work life. Yeah that's what it was. Anyways this was just a routine meeting, right?

Inside the conference room we all sat around a large table. I sat at the head of it, Reagan to my left and Rebecca to my right while everyone from Sony along with my boss sat at opposite ends of me. The environment felt friendly, everyone saying hi to Reagan (of course) complementing her on her last movie. Soon it was time for the meeting to begin and I was more than ready to see what was going on.

Jeff who was a director i've worked with before had the floor first so we let him speak.

"So as you all may know, Ms. Scott's last film did extremely well here and pretty much world wide. Everyone is looking to work with her!"

"With that in mind you must all be wondering why us here at SONY called you her team here today." Another man whose name escapes me spoke.

"We were hoping" Jeff continued "That maybe Ms. Scott would be interested in doing a music video with an affiliate of ours."

"Oh?" Mrs. Jones seemed interested.

I looked up from my notepad and turned to look at Reagan who also seemed interested in the offer.

"With who?" I ask.

"Yes! Is it Justin Timberlake, oh better yet Bieber!" Reagan gasped.

"You would all be working with Modest Management. I'm Lisa the US representative." A dark haired older woman smiled at us "And the artist you'll be working with is of a much larger scale."

Larger than Bieber? Hmm.

"Okay, and what exactly are you interest in using Reagan for?" I asked

"Like Jeff said a music video but it would be an extended version." Lisa said "So roughly fifteen minutes but the shoot would be much longer of course."

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