Chapter 5 - Only Exception

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I looked at my screen for a while. Maybe it was just a coincidence.. maybe "interesting" was his favorite word or something.

Oh c'mon who was I kidding! I turn off my screen and put my phone aside. Starring up at the ceiling I let out a laugh, Harry was so ridiculous. He knew zero to nothing about me and yet he takes the time to tweet about me (if that tweet is in fact about me) to his millions of followers. I think back at how he effortlessly picked me up from the ground and held me close to him and again a smile creeps on my lips. Small gesture to people who might know each other for a long time but I was a stranger to him. How could he get so comfortable with me when I was nobody to him?

Rian you are over thinking this.

It's late. Harry Styles is probably off hooking up with some girl who actually gave him the time of day and I'm forgotten. Easy to say I was probably the first girl to reject the pop star.


My meeting took longer than it should. Nothing too important, just about scheduling conflicts that may occur in the future for Reagan; mess I was expected to deal with.

Walking out the Empire State Building (snazzy I know) I grab my iPhone from my pocket and plug in my head phones. I had just reached my iTunes when I noticed a notification from twitter.

Direct Message from Logan Lerman: Rian I leave NY tonight. I really wanna see you if you're still here..

I walk a bit smiling to my phone before finding a bench to sit on. Within a few seconds I put away my headphones and reply.

TweetsByRian: I'm still here! Lunch maybe?

All too quickly my phone bings.

LoganLerman: That works! Where are you?

TweetsByRian: By the Empire State Building! you?

LoganLerman: My hotel is pretty close, meet me here?

TweetsByRian: Yes! Here let's make this easier and send me your number dummy, haven't you always wanted mine? ;)

Shoot. That was supposed to be a normal smiley face! Hopefully he would think too much of it..

Within minutes he sends me his number and I call him as I haul a cab. I agree to meet him at the lobby in fifteen minutes knowing the horrible traffic id face now that it was past noon.

Inside the cab I frown looking at my outfit. I was dressed business casual since the meeting was of some importance, but people rarely saw me like this. Black dress, or jeans and a T-shirt where my day to day uniform but nope today I decided to step it up. Getting to the hotel I pull down my black pencil skirt and try rolling up the sleeves of my striped button down shirt. Ugh. At least I had flats on.

Grabbing my purse I quickly pay the driver and step out of the cab. Stupid busy streets, with a quick stumble I make it into the busy hotel lobby. All too soon I catch a glimpse of Logan already waiting for me. He looks up from his phone, and straightens himself from the counter he was leaning on. Unlike the suit he wore yesterday he was in just jeans and a grey band shirt of sorts.

Putting his phone is his back pocket, Logan claps his hands in front of him and then opens his arms to me.

"You're still a weirdo." I laugh wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Pfft." He scoffs holding me close to his chest.

"Just saying."

Both of us pull away and I play with the ends off my hair as Logan begins to walk over to the dinning area.

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