Chapter 13 - No no no

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Previously on Lights Off:

I could feel someone shaking my arm but my eyes would not open.

"Maybe if we all start yelling?"

That had to be Niall.

"She looks so peaceful."

"Shh, she'll hear you."

"Look at her! She's not even moving." Zayn laughs.

"Exactly.. she looks so beautiful like this. Not busy working.."

That last voice.. it couldn't be...

"Harry quiet she'll hear you." Liam shakes me once again.

This time my eyes fly open.


I have to get out of here!

"Oh look she's up!" Niall claps.

"Yeah.. umm." I shake my head.

"Love, you need someone to come up with you?" Liam asks.

"No, err I'm good. Thanks."

Liam opens the door slowly coming out quickly and extending his hand out to me. With a faint smile I take his hand and jump out of the van.

"You sure?" Harry says climbing out behind me.

"I'm sure... I'll see you all tomorrow." I bite my lip.

"Alright, goodnight babe." Liam smiles releasing my hand.

I couldn't help but smile at him. Babe? Who says that?!

Liam looked as if he was opening his arms to me but laughs a bit when I step back. With a giggle I wave at them.

"Goodnight." I repeat.

I didn't want to drag on the goodbyes so as they all climbed back into the van I began to walk into the building. Thank God I decided to be taken to Reagan's place instead of mine or else I'd be stuck with them longer.

"Rian." I then hear.

Feeling a light touch on my right hand I look down, stop walking and for some reason hold on to it.

"Yes?" I look up to meet Harry's eyes.

"Thanks for tonight."

Bringing our hands up to his face he smiles.

"For what?"

"The talk."

"Oh." I shrug. "It was nice."

"Yes.." he smirks "Can't wait for the next one."

Stepping closer to me, I catch my breath as he runs his large fingers across my knuckles. I wanted to pull my hand from his but instead it's pulled forward meeting Harry's lips.

"I-I have to go."

Locking his eyes with mine, Harry finally releases my hand from his and licks his bottom lip.

"Goodnight Rian."


For a moment I was frozen, not able to move until I watched Harry go into the van and drive away. In a ghostly matter, slow and pale I walked inside the lobby and sat down.

What in the world was happening?

Today has been by far one of the weirdest days. First Logan wants to go to New York with me when I never asked him. Second I laid in the sand with none other than Harry Styles, and had a rather normal talk. Lastly I think I may actually like the One Direction boys as friends.. Just friends.

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