Chapter 16 - Last Night

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"You wont do it!" Niall laughed.

"Yes, I will!!!!"

"Rian you'll so regret this in the morning." Reagan chuckled.

"I wont. Now c'mon Louise get your stuff together."

"You sure about this?"

Louise stood behind me in the bathroom (rather small one) as I looked at my tired reflection. Everyone except Liam and Zayn came back to Louise's suite after leaving Black to watch me actually go through dying my hair.

"Yes! Now go on."

"Rian I think it'll be better if you think this through. Not do this when your drunk." Harry then says.

"Quiet Styles." I giggle

"The girl knows what she wants Harry!" Louise runs off into her room.

"I can't watch this!" Niall continues to laugh. "BYE!"

"BOOO" Louis and I yelled.

"Okay I got the bleach, ready Rian?"

I look at myself in the mirror, at the faces of everyone in the bathroom. Harry didn't look too happy but what do I care?

Nodding I take a deep breath.

It was all coming back in flashes... Last night that is. Reagan couldn't think of anything else to tell me which worried me. The only person I could ask about this was Louis and that seemed impossible.

We were now at the airport thankfully on time. Paul was helping me check in everyone's bags since we'd be leaving in two separate flights; first one was set to leave in half an hour and the other in two hours. Looking down at my iPhone I realize that only Reagan, Louis, Niall and I would be on the first flight.

"They're splitting the boys up?" I ask Preston.

"Yeah. Paul will be going with your group while I stay with Louise, Harry, Liam and Zayn."


"It'll make things easier."

"So we'll meet you all at the hotel in Paris?"

"Yes, Paul will brief you when you land."


"Good luck!" Preston smiles.

With a little wave I walk over to Paul who seemed to be waiting for me.

"You have everything you need?" he asks.


"Good, now lets go. They delayed the coach passengers to let us get in the plane first."

"Shit." I say looking at my watch."


Damn I bet all those people were going to be mad if we didn't get into our seats quick. But then again they probably had no idea that their  was because half of One Direction was boarding their plane. So as quickly as Paul and I could we gathered up our people from the private waiting area.

The security team at the airport somehow managed to get us into the plane without a problem. All our seats were up front, by each other right next to the pilots cabin. This first class allowed two seats per row so naturally i'd be next to Reagan and the boys together. Paul helped us all place our cary-ons up above while the rest of the plan boarded.

"You can sit with Reagan and i'll-" he began to say before I cut him off.

"Do you think it's okay if I sit with Louis for a bit?"

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