Chapter 6 - Idiot

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I was gonna need to rethink this whole "only exception" thing about Logan. I can't believe he actually wanted to talk to them!

"Rian" Harry smiled. "Nice to see you have time to talk."

Finally standing by the five guys I notice that a group of tall men were starring at me, probably thinking I was a fan they protested. Luckily the one I recognized from last night who helped Harry with me seemed to not mind us talking and let us continue.

"That's your name?" Niall asks.

"Yes.. Umm this is Logan Lerman by the way."

Not letting go of my hand Logan shakes the five guys hands. Each of them saying their names. I hadn't really talked to Zayn, Liam and Louis since they weren't at the after party last night. They probably had no clue who I was.

"You were in that movie with Emma Watson right?" Liam asks.

"Yes. Perks." he smiles.

"How do you all know each other?" Louis asks next.

"Who? Rian and I?" Niall smirks.

"Yeah." Zayn speaks

"She works for Reagan Scott." Harry answers.

"Oh the girl who interviewed us yesterday!" Liam remembered.

"Yes, and she's actually waiting for me right now." I say dragging Logan with me.

"She can wait, we're having such a good time talking." Logan smirks.

Oh! He was doing this on purpose!

"I guess if she fires me, I can always go work for you then?" I challenge.

"Always welcome on my team."

I roll my eyes.

"So it must be hard no?" Liam asks.

"What?" I frown.

"Dating, you work for a celerity and your boyfriend is one too."

"Oh he's not-" I try to explain.

"I'm not... as busy as Reagan. I make time for my girl."


"That's nice." Louis smiles at us.

Looking over to Niall and Harry I notice them both starring at each other almost like they were taking to each other but of course not speaking a word. Shit they probably thought this was how I got my job and I was a social climber. Logan would pay for this. sure I didn't want Harry to talk to me anymore but I didn't want him or anybody else to think I didn't deserve my job.

Catching him off guard I let go of Logan's hand and finally wave to the boys who I didn't want to see again.

"Have a safe flight." I yell.

"Nice to meet you all." Logan bows awkwardly. "Wait up Rian!"

I turn around clearly mad at him. Making sure we were closer to the entrance I grab his shirt pulling him closer to me.

"I wasn't wrong when I called you and idiot." I tried not to yell. "Why did you do that?"

"I was trying to help you."

"Help me?"

Logan smiles and places his hand over mine on his chest.

"You clearly don't like those guys so I was trying to make sure they don't try anything with you in the future." he explained.

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