Broken Up

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Liam's POV

I barely slept a wink last night - all I could think about was Ally...and the fact that she snogged Niall. I have no idea why I'm obsessing over this. I have a girlfriend! I shouldn't be this upset over what happened. But...I am. Does...does that mean anything? Should I break up with Dani?

My phone alarm goes off and I know that means it's time to make the rounds to wake the boys up. None of them like to wake up, especially Harry. I roll over and shut off my alarm, scrolling through my notifications. Suddenly, a text from Dani pops about good timing.

'Hi, Li, we really need to talk and I'd rather it be face to face. Skype before you head to rehearsal? Love you - Dani'

It's about 7:30...I message her back and say I can call her in about an hour. If I'm calling her in an hour, that means I need to get everyone up, take a shower, make breakfast...God, I sound like I'm their mum! I guess someone had to take that position.

I roll out of bed and begin to make my rounds. I first start with Niall, since we're sharing a room, and as soon as I begin to speak, he groans but slowly begins to wake up. I move around the hotel room, hitting Zayn, Harry, and Louis. The last room is...Ally. I'm positive she's coming with us, but do I go and wake her up?

"Liam?" Louis calls out from his room. "Could you go and wake Ally up? I need to get in the shower."

"Oh, um, okay," I reply, walking to Ally's room.

I knock on the door and make sure she is, well, decent, before going in. When I open the door, I see her still fast asleep, curled up in a ball. I take a deep breath and slowly walk up to her, not wanting to startle her in any way. God, this is awkward. I kneel down beside her bed, gently shaking her.

"Ally?" I whisper as she groans. "Ally, it's time to get up."

"Go away, Mum," she mumbles.

I smile to myself, shaking my head, "I don't think I'm your mum."

She opens her eyes and she begins to laugh, "I'm sorry, Liam. What time is it?"

"It's about 7:30," I tell her. "We're leaving around 9 to head to the venue for a rehearsal."

"Okay, okay," she groans, sitting up. "Thanks for waking me up. Are we doing anything for breakfast?"

"I had security to buy us some waffle mix," I reply as I stand up. "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course," she smiles. "Guess I should go and get ready."

"Yeah, probably," I chuckle. "I'll see you in a little bit."

"Bye," she yawns as I walk out, closing the door behind me.

I begin to make the waffles, the rest of the boys shuffling in and out of their rooms as they get ready. The last person to come out is Ally. When she pops into view, my heart stops - even though she's only been up for the last 30 minutes, she looks gorgeous. She's wearing a black tank top, a maroon flannel, and jean shorts, obviously fresh from the shower...she looks incredible.

"Good morning," I smile, making her jump. "Did...did I scare you?"

"Maybe," she chuckles. "Um, hi, good morning."

"Are you hungry?" I ask and she nods eagerly.

"How are the waffles?" she asks.

"Well, the rest of the boys seemed to really like them," I shrug. "I haven't tried any yet."

"Go and eat some!" she exclaims. "I can make mine."

"No, no, you should eat first," I insist. "I really don't care. Plus, this waffle is basically ready."

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