The Doll

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Treat your love with care or it just might shatter into glass.

February 26, 2012

The Pond

He's been touching me more. Not like, sexually. But the arm touches have been gentle and affectionate, and I'll catch him sometimes putting his hand on the small of my back.

They've been intoxicating, and his smiles seem more sincere and more real.​ But I think it's only because we opened up to each other; because he told me more about himself.

"Okay," He took his hands off of my eyes and I smiled.

"Open your eyes." I shot them open and put my hand over my heart.

"I've seen this pond before, Mr. Styles." I laughed and he shook his head.

"I know you've seen the pond," He stood in front of me, his back facing mine. He used his hand to roll his sleeves up his forearms, his biceps flexing as he moved.

"But you haven't seen this." He pulled a canoe out from behind a tree and I jumped up.

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped again and he slapped his hands together to sling the water off.

"I've never been on a canoe..." I bit my lip and he laughed.

"You seemed so excited." He shook his head and I tucked my hands into my shorts' pockets.

"But now, we're going canoeing."

I took a step back and shook my head.

"Oh no. I'm not doing t​hat.​"

He scoffed, "Ah come on. It'll be fun. I promise." He nodded his head and grabbed my hand in his, automatically making me surrender.

He helped me step onto the wobbly canoe and stepped into the water as I tried to find my way and sit down. I almost fell, making me grab onto his forearm.

"Just be steady. Don't think about it, and you won't fall." His eyes locked with mine and my lips parted.

"I will catch you if you fall."

I took a deep breath and straightened back up again, walking down the canoe and finding my seat at the back. He then hopped into the canoe without a problem, and began to paddle.

"It's so beautiful out here." I closed my eyes and let the wind blow my hair back, the afternoon rays of the warm February sun were tinting my arms with heat.

I opened my eyes when I heard quacking and I looked to see white swans everywhere, automatically thinking of T​he Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.​

"They're everywhere." I said, pulling my hair from my shoulder so it was laying on my back. I put my hands on the side of the canoe and reached over to stroke one.

"I feel like we're in a movie." I smiled and looked at Harry.

"You could say that we were." He chuckled.

"What kind of movie would we be in?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Definitely a drama. One filled with drama every other minute." He laughed at himself and I scoffed, throwing drops of water at him.

"Not to just bring up a random conversation or anything but," he stopped paddling and just let the boat drift as he propped his feet up on the side of the boat, "Why do you always pick a fight with me?" I asked, looking at him.

"I... I can't answer that question. You brought it up on me too fast and I don't know how to answer it." He shook his head and I looked back out to the water.

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