Chapter 4 - Moved On?

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"You said you'll never leave me...y-you promised that you'll never leave my side," Chanyeol stammered. "Jagiya..p-please mom is ill. And i can't count on dad in taking care of her....I just can't!" I cried. "So you'll leave me here?! Is that it?!" he raised his voice. Gosh, I can't take this. How can I do this?

"No!" I shout back. Such choice I am making. I can't risk to leave him, but I wouldn't want to risk my mom being ill for so long. Curse my dad for not being a good husband. I can't even last a day without seeing Chanyeol. I loathe seeing him cry and being the reason of his tears. I never thought that this would ever happen."You have to understand me, you know how my family is. I'll.. come back here, Chanyeol. I'll come back here for you..." I stammered while my tears were continuously flowing on my eyes. I will come back for him. I will. I really will.

Breaking up with the one that you truly love is the most heartbreaking thing that could ever happen to one's life. He is my everything. We both know that. What I am asking is only for temporary. We both know that we can't part. But I can't leave my mom hanging at Canada. She needs me.

"I can't stand this. I don't want to be far from you! You know how much I hate long distance, right!?" he whispered. Does he think that I enjoy doing this? Did he ever think how much I hate to be parted from him too?

"Please, Chanyeol." I cupped his face but then, he removed it. 

"Then, leave!" 

And walked away with tears on his eyes, leaving me broken.



I opened my eyes and saw Jaeyeol frowning while his hands were clasped together.

It was that dream again.

"Mommy, you were crying in your sleep again. Please, don't cry..." he pleaded and touched my face. I forced myself a smile and promptly wiped my tears. I don't really like it when he sees me cry. He wrapped his arms around me and I hug him back. "I'm okay, baby. Mommy just had a bad dream." I assured him and pulled away.

When will that ever stop? When will that memory stop visiting my dreams? That dream has been visiting me for a while now.

Is it possible that I still haven't fully moved on?

But it's been years since that day.

Since we parted.

I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand and saw that it was already 5. My alarm would be ringing in a few minutes.

"Let's get up, Jae." I told him. "Can we brush our teeth together?" he cutely asks with a smile. "Of course."

We went inside the bathroom and I let him sit on the counter. I handed him his toothbrush and the toothpaste while I put mine in my mouth. Moments later, we both spat the toothpaste from our mouth and we proceeded downstairs to make breakfast. He would sit on the chair and play some music from our Mp3 player while I cook. Mornings with Jaeyeol is always fun. He always entertain me when I cook.

"What should I cook today?" I asked aloud as we enter the kitchen together. "Samgyupsal and fried rice!" he exclaimed. I chuckled as I take out the ingredients from the fridge. I started to light the stove and fruit the pork while DJ Jaeyeol is choosing some music to play.

Moments later, a sound was heard and it didn't take a minute for me to realize whose song that was being played.

Girls' Generation.

"I'll be your Tinkerbell in the sky~"

It was my favorite song and of course Jaeyeol knows about it. Aside from EXO, Jaeyeol also listens to SHINee and Girls' Generation.

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