Chapter 26 - The Other One

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I swear this chapter is poorly written. Hopefully, you guys would like it.


"What's there to know about, Eunji?" Chanyeol asked, giving me a puzzled look.

"Have a seat first," I told him and took out a piece of photograph behind Jiyeon and Jaeyeol's picture. I breathe a heavy sigh and thought to myself, should I really tell him?

It was not my place to tell him about this but Chanyeol deserves the right to know and acknowledge the existence of the other child.

"Jiyeon is visiting Jaeyeol's twin brother, Jaerim."

He froze and his face was deeply confused.

Chanyeol deserves the right to know about Jaerim.

"Five years ago, Jiyeon gave birth to twins at Canada. She named it Kang Jaeyeol and Kang Jaerim. Those boys were light of her life. She raised them both with such love and adoration. I admire Jiyeon for being a strong woman. She took care of Aunt KyungHee while she was raising the twins. Whenever I'd imagine her doing those things, I feel sad. I met Jaerim once, when I travelled Canada. He was as wonderful as Jaeyeol except that he was a bit taciturn. Nonetheless, he was so adorable." I said without noticing a tear roll down both of my eyes.

I passed him the photograph wherein Jaeyeol and Jaerim were sming so bright while hugging each other side by side.

Chanyeol stared at the small piece of photograph.

He stared at it intently as if he was studying every inch of the photo.

His eyes suddenly my looked sad as if it was going to water soon. "Where is he?" He asked and looked into my eyes. I could tell that he was confused and was looking for answers, but the answer is somewhat painful.

"He died three years ago as well." I replied and he suddenly collapsed on his position.

He drops the photo and rubs his temples. "I need to find Jiyeon." He muttered.

And so I told him where the cemetery was. Jiyeon still might be there, grieving. It's been so long since Rim and Aunt JaeHee died but I know that Jiyeon still hasn't moved on. It was still also painful for me to lose a wonderful aunt like Kang KyungHee whom treated me as if I was also her daughter. But losing Jaerim? It must be twice as painful as losing your own mother. Jiyeon was more than devastated after she found out that Jaerim didn't make it out alive. She was a wreck for a few weeks. She didn't eat and she couldn't sleep well. Grieving and crying were the only thing she did. Jaeyeol was also sad but he was really worried about Jiyeon.

"I'm going." Chanyeol said and left the house, the photograph still in his hand. Go comfort her, Chanyeol.


Chanyeol's POV

I hurried my way to where the cemetery was located. With the photograph lying on my lap, I stared at it whenever I'd encounter the traffic light. Both child were smiling so bright on the image. Never have I thought that Jiyeon would carry twins.

Why would she hide this from me?

She hid this from me for a long time. It's been nearly 6 months since I knew that I have a child of my own with Jiyeon. But she had never ever mentioned about Jaeyeol's brother, Jaerim. When I saw the gate of the cemetery, I stopped and parked my car somewhere near. I was still holding the picture while I was looking for Jiyeon. She must be here somwhere.

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