Chapter 23 - Sabotage and Truth

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The month of September is nearly ending and our dates still went on for a whole month. Myungsoo and I would take a walk on our subdivision every weekends with Jaeyeol. Sometimes, he takes Jaeyeol to shopping too. He visits us in our house and he'd surprise me to lunch or breakfast. Jaeyeol really enjoys Myungsoo's visits. He'd play with him and watch some cartoons with his Uncle Myungsoo. Thankfully no gossips have been flying around office. Minkyung has been teasing me a lot whenever she sees me at work. She knows about the dates I went with Myungsoo but she promised not to tell anyone.

Tonight had to be another night out with Myungsoo. Another dinner and fun time with my boss's son. Thanks to Kim Myungsoo, I was able to go to a nightclub again and party. It's been a really long time since I got to be young again. I was always like an old woman, working and staying at home during the weekends. Myungsoo and I had dinner in a lot of restaurants. We ate Chinese cuisine, Japanese food, Thailand cuisine and even Filipino style cuisine. Everything was yummy and delicious.

Patchu was really frustrated at the thought of me going on dates with Myungsoo although she is trying her best to be happy about it. Ever since my baby came, I never had the chance to date and mingle.

Tonight's date feels something different. I feel like something else is going to happen tonight. It feels so exciting.

My fingers keep on moving around. They were like worms that wants to get out. I grinned and grabbed my purse before heading out downstairs to the living room.

"Who's going on a date with who!?"

That voice...

"Chanyeol?" I muttered as soon as I got out from the bedroom. I ran down the stairs and saw a tall guy standing with a shocked look on his face. I laughed at his epic reaction. "Hi, Chanyeol."

"Wait you're going on a date with someone!?" He asks in disbelief. I nodded, "Yes with Myungsoo."

"Your boss!?"

"Why are you so surprised about this?"

"You never tell me anything!" He exclaims. I frowned, "Does it mater to you if I go out with someone?" He was acting so strange. I thought Patricia already told him about it. Seems like she forgot. "I...--I am just shocked.." he mumbles and slumps down on the couch. "But mommy looks really pretty, right daddy?" Jaeyeol innocently asks his father who was pouting and looking so displeased. Chanyeol sighed, "Of course."

A honk was then heard. Myungsoo had finally arrived and is here to pick me up. I held my purse right and glanced at the boys. "Go on. Don't go out too late." Chanyeol said, still frowning. "Be back soon, mommy!" Jaeyeol exclaimed and kissed my cheek. Before I could go out the door, I threw a pillow at Chanyeol, who was dumbfounded. "Don't let my son stay up too late."

As I got out the door, I ran to Myungsoo's car and hopped in. He was dressed up so well for tonight and looked rather dashing as always. I was wearing a baby pink dress and he wore a fine suit that complemented his handsome looks.

We were driving across Garuso-gil and passed by some cafés and restaurants. When Myungsoo passed by the restaurant we were supposed to have dinner in, I furrowed my eyebrows and told him, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special."


Chanyeol let out a huff while watching Jaeyeol play with his toys. He just came home from his schedules and unexpectedly, he finds the mother of his child preparing for a date with someone else. He wasn't supposed to get annoyed by that fact but it somehow got him frustrated. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that Jiyeon and he weren't together, he was still irritated. Chanyeol couldn't stop rambling and muttering a lot of things to himself.

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