Chapter 24 - The Business Trip

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I personally want to thank @ByunSeol101 for the cover 😍 She's a close friend of mine and she is so good at editing. 😂 Anyways, here's a lovely update for all of you 😘

Today would be the day I leave Korea for 9 days. Uncle Jongmin sent me to accompany Myungsoo in Canada for business. He sent us two to meet our clients and investors. Also, they were planning to expand their business in Canada. They needed me to come with Myungsoo because I was in charge to make PowerPoint presentations and contracts.

Actually, the business trip would only last for three days. I'm staying at Canada for 2 days to visit my dad. I know that we aren't on good terms but he's still my father. I also want to see Jinhwan too. He's my step-brother after all and I wanted to see how he's doing now. I cut my ties with my father's other family years ago because of personal reasons. My heart was broken back then and I was shred to pieces.

"Jaeyeol, you be good to grandma and grandpa while mommy is away, okay?" I said, putting his necessities like clothes and toiletries on a big backpack. Since I will be away for days, I decided to let Jaeyeol stay with Mama and Papa Park. They loved the idea and wished me a safe flight to Canada. "Mommy will come back immediately, right?" Jaeyeol said, teary-eyed. This is the first time I'm going to be apart from him for quite some days. I made him understand that I'll be back very soon and I'll be back before he knows it. It's a big advantage to have an open-minded and smart son. He understand things very well.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, baby." I smiled.

"When are you coming back?" Eunji asked through the other line, yes she's on the phone. "After nine or ten days, maybe." I replied, still unsure. I have my personal reasons to extend my travel. Uncle Jongmin knows about it but Myungsoo doesn't. "Ah, is that so? Take care then. Are you going to visit uncle Seokmin?"

"Yeah. I'm going to visit him and Jinhwan as well. It's been a long time since I talked to him." I sighed.

"That's right, Yeonnie. You should talk to Jinhwan. It's time for you to move on now."

I frowned, "I hope so."

A few seconds later, a car came honking in front of our house.

"Oh Chanyeol's here." I muttered and took my bag. "Wait a second..." I muttered to my phone and closed my bag. Chanyeol took our bags inside his car afterwards. "Eunji-yah, we're leaving."

"Take care, Yeon-ah. Have a safe flight!" she said and ended the call. I smiled, buckling up and wore the seat-belt. I placed my bag beside Jaeyeol. I'll be sitting at the back with Jaeyeol until we get to the airport.

"How long is your trip?" Chanyeol asked, driving. "10 days, I think?" I replied. "That's really long for a business trip." he said.

"I'm visiting my father." I told him. He was quiet for a second before speaking again, "Oh, really? So that's why..."

"It's been a long time since I've talked to him. Actually, I ended all my ties with him and his other family after we returned back here in Korea." I explained. We didn't talk again after that. The drive got silent. Even Jaeyeol was quiet which was so not like him. He's not in the mood to be lively now. "Mommy I'll miss you..." Jaeyeol said and wrapped his short arms around me as he leans on my chest. I smiled at him, kissed his forehead and hummed a lullaby.

An hour passed and we reached the airport. We all went out. Chanyeol took out the bag for me while I talk shortly to my son who was about to cry. "Mommy, don't forget to eat. Take care. I love you." he pouted and pecked my cheeks. I was kneeling to match his height. "Aww of course, baby. While mommy is gone, be good to Grandma and Grandpa, okay? You shouldn't mess around. I love you too." I said.

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