Chapter 5 - The Jeju Getaway

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I talked to Eunji regarding the trip to Jeju. She said it's okay for the both of us, Jaeyeol and I to go to Jeju and spend a week there. She told me to relax and make time for myself while I'm still at Jeju. As expected, Dongwoon will be staying at the house. I'm sure they'll go on dates and go to parties together. It's their thing. I know they will both have fun attending parties together.

As of now, I'm very excited to reach Jeju again. We're currently at the airplane right now, me, Jaeyeol, Minkyung and our co-workers. And of course,  Mr. Myungsoo is here as well. The airplane would be taking off in a few minutes. Jaeyeol here is restless. He is so excited going to Jeju. Right now, he's getting himself ready and kept on looking at the window of the plane. 

"Mommy, may I listen to our Mp3?" he asks. I took out the earphones and plugged it to the Mp3 player. He took it from me and plugged it to his ears. He knows how to distract himself before the plane takes off. Within two hours, we will be in Jeju. A relaxing time for me and Jaeyeol has come! 

Minkyung tapped my shoulder and gave me a can of soda. "Thank you," I muttered and slumped back on my seat. I should take a nap before we reach Jeju. "Mommy," 

I opened my eyes and saw Jaeyeol looking at me. He placed his neck pillow on my lap and said, "Use this so you won't hurt your neck." he smiled. Again, I 'aww' -ed at his simple gesture. "Thank you baby," I said and ruffled his hair. I put the neck pillow around my neck and slumped on my seat. I closed my eyes and began to slumber.


"Mommy~!" Someone's shaking me.

"Jae?" I uttered and rubbed my eyes tiredly. Gosh, have we reached Jeju now? I saw Jae looking out the window as the plane prepares to take off. Seems like Jeju and I will meet again.


A place with memories.

"Glad you're awake, Yeonnie. The plane's about to land. We're in Jeju now." she smiled. "Finally." I muttered and fixed my hair.

After twenty minutes, the plane landed smoothly and all of the passengers unbuckled themselves.

"We have reached Jeju Island. Enjoy your stay, please fly again with us~!"

We stood up from our seats and took our hand-carried bags. Jaeyeol was very excited that he kept on telling me to walk faster. I chuckled at his eagerness and walked faster to the van. The company rented three vans for the employees and their bags. Our company's very thoughtful to their employees and workers. Myungsoo rode with us to the lodging. He played with Jaeyeol until we reached the place we're going to stay. He adores Jaeyeol as much as my co-workers do.

"Are you guys excited for your vacation?" Mr. Myungsoo asked. "Yes, sir!" they exclaimed. Joy and excitement fills in their voices. I smiled as I stare out the window and gaze at the beautiful sceneries we were passing by. Jeju is so beautiful. It's nice to be back here again.

After a few minutes, we reached at the resort where we will be staying at. There were a lot of people staying, but fortunately, it's not that crowded. It's much relaxing with less people around. The resort was wonderful. It had a lot of swimming pools for children and adults. Jaeyeol will be so delighted. He might even swim all day. Staying for a week here is costly, but I'm sure the company can pay it. All of us have been working our ass off to lift our company for a year. And now, the ChoKim Corporation is one of the top 20 richest company in South Korea. Our boss is not aiming for number 1. He only aims for a place on the top 20. He's already contented for what he has. I'm glad that he's not like any other businessman who is hungry for too much success.

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