Chapter 14 - My Baby

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It's all settled. The meeting is already done. Both Jiyeon and I have agreed to let Jaeyeol see me within a day. I feel agitated and yet excited whilst I think about him. He is my son and finally, I can claim my rights upon him as his father. I can finally have a custody to take care of him. During the first 4 years of his life, I wasn't there by his side to guide and teach him things. Now that I finally knew his existence, and I am more than willing to take care of him, I'll make up for the lost time. Those precious times that I have missed, I will make new ones that will surely be unforgettable. I don't care how dangerous it would be for my career, all I can think about now is how am I going to be a good father to my Jaeyeol. My very own son.

I promised Mr. Soo Man that I'll be a good father and I won't forget my responsibilities as an EXO member. Nothing will change. The only change that occurred was Jaeyeol. An angel that was given by the Lord. Things will get a little tough for me now, but I can face these battles bravely. I will do whatever it takes and take different risks.

Tomorrow will be a big day for me. Truthfully speaking, I don't have any clue what to do tomorrow. I want to give him a present but I don't know what he likes. It's tough having myself miss my son's growing years. I will be patient, I promise myself. I am going to be very patient until Jaeyeol and I get closer.

"Baekhyun, do you think that this will do?" I asked and showed him another cap. He did nothing but to chortle at me before shaking his head. "We've been at this aisle for almost an hour. Don't you think that we should atleast walk to the other sections?"

Ugh! I can't buy him clothes. I don't know his size. Besides, I can only see him wearing a cool cap. He must like caps since I am his dad. Hehe.

"How about a toy? You know, for peace offering?"

"No. Not a toy. Since, I am his father then, he must like caps too. I think he'd look cool with it."

"Tss. What kind of dad are you, deciding gifts for your child just like that..." he smirked. Ugh. I'm getting very anxious. What should I get Jaeyeol? Clothes? I don't know his size. Toys? I don't know what he likes? Bubble tea? Does he drink bubble tea? Argh! Make up your mind, Park Chanyeol.

"You look like an idiot right now, to be honest."

I grabbed the cap that I was holding a while ago. It looked pretty awesome that's why I immediately grabbed it a while ago. I was hesitating from buying it at first, but I think this would do. I Just hope that he's okay with it. I heaved a heavy sigh, "Fine, I'm getting this one."

"Wow. After three hours of hesitation, you finally decided that you'll buy that hat." he laughed. "Shut up, I'm going to purchase this now." I told him and went to the cashier to purchase the hat.

I have mixed feelings regarding how I will meet my own son. I'm not really good with first impressions especially when the one I am supposed to meet is my own son. I have met him thrice, but the feeling was different. I am meeting him tomorrow as my son and not as a fan.

I decided not to wrap the hat and wear it until I get home with Baek. He seems excited for me as well as my fellow EXO members. They all wanted to see Jiyeon but our schedules are hectic. We all have solo activities to attend to. It's a pity but, I'm sure that they'll all see her again soon. As of now, I'm currently in the van with my manager and Baekhyun. My fingers are fidgeting while looking intently at the cap. I'm imagining Jaeyeol wearing it, but darn, why is it hard to picture him in my mind?! My reverie stops immediately after hearing my manager and Baekhyun laugh softly.

"You look adorable while you were staring deeply at the cap, Chanyeol -ah." Manager Dalyoung said and looked at me through the glass. "Stop worrying, Chanyeol. I'm sure the kid would like that." Baekhyun said and patted my shoulders. "You should double check the place for tomorrow, Chanyeol. You said that you want to make tomorrow very special, right?"

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