Ch. 43 The Stone Within a Stone

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My eyes were closed as I laid there on the bed. Not a feeling of worry endangered my peace of mind. Instead all I could suffer were his phantom strokes from corner to corner across my flesh.

I was paralyzed with ecstasy while Eric forced the sighs out of my trembling mouth. It was as if I was the lion and he the lion tamer. I was to do as he commanded. To sigh when he wanted. To tremble when he wanted. To be tamed…

My breathing made me feel like I was I was so full of life but dieing. It wouldn’t go away, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to. All that mattered was Eric.

His fingers glided over to my hair and lightly gripped at the roots. “Open your eyes,” Eric commanded soft.

I didn’t know if I could. They were so heavy…

His voice became a little more harsh. “Open your eyes.”

When I mustered enough strength to open my eyes I was stunned. My soul mate looked like he was glowing. The bright golden light around him made me shed a tear.

“Eric,” I whispered but his face instantly hardened.

The once bright and beautiful angelic Eric before me turned to dark. The light darkened to pitch black and hit fangs were out. For some reason I didn’t feel afraid, I felt sad. A bottomless pit in my stomach told me something was greatly wrong.

“You will be your own demise,” My damned lover snickered and rammed his fangs straight into my neck.


“Huh!” I jolted straight up out of bed. My breathing was erratic and a serious head rush was coming on.

“You’re up,” Eric stated and zipped over to my side. “Are you alright?!” He was concerned and wasn’t oblivious that I wasn’t ok. I just didn’t know what to make of it and if I should tell him or not.

So I lied. “I’m fine. Just a dream,” I reassured him and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Ok.” I could tell by the tone of his voice he wasn’t buying it.

“Have you heard from my uncle? Is he here?” I asked awkwardly because just saying the word and referring it to him and all…

“Yes I am.”

Eric and I both jumped a little and saw my uncle standing a few feet away. His presence reeked of power but I wasn’t afraid of him one bit. Strange.

“Nice of you to stop by,” I smiled and stood up. Eric grabbed my hand and held tight.

Apollo looked anxious. “We really don’t have a lot of time. I would have come sooner but the majority of us,” He began, referring to the Greek gods, “Have been trying to slow down Eris in anyway we can. Um- never mind that though. The bigger problem is for the two of you.”

I didn’t even flinch. “What do we need to do?”

The god of prophecy licked his dry lips and whipped his brow. “Niece I know you have not been feeling well, and sadly when that happens your powers dwindle, but I need you to try and see if you can produce your powers now.”

I nodded and closed my eyes for a second to concentrate.

Eric you’re going to want to let go of my hand and back away, I warned my Viking for the fear of accidentally lighting him on fire.

He did what I said immediately and I held my arms out a little and balled my fists. The feeling surging through my veins after I took a deep breath was incredible. My flames came to life and it was like I was the human torch again.

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