Chapter 10...

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I wait a while after Harry and the others had left until I left the room. I cautiously walk downstairs to find both Danielle and Perrie on the couch. Perrie notices me and smiles getting up off the couch.

" come on, you can wear something of mine" she giggles taking my hand leading me upstairs again.

" thank you for before. But Harry knew you were lying" I admit as we walk into a room down the hall. I look around noticing its both hers and zayns room. Perrie then descends into a closet coming out with afew clothes.

" I know and I advice you not to lie to him. I already got my punishment" she shrugs passing me the clothes. " the bathrooms in there. I'll be waiting" she continues and points to a door. I nod thanking her as I close the door behind me.

It's the almost exact same bathroom as Harry's except slightly smaller. I shed myself of the shirt Harry had giving me. And pull up the high waisted shorts along with a t shirt. Surprisingly they actually look really good together.

I frown noticing the love mark on my neck. Along with the bruise across my cheek it's gotten quite bad and very noticeable.

I then walk back out finding Perrie on the bed looking up at me.

" what did you mean by punishment?" I frown at her as she shrugs again. She shakes her hand glancing down again.

" they have rules, we all need to follow." She says obviously hiding something big. I nod not forcing her to say anything.

" did you choose to be here?" I ask walking closer to her, taking a seat beside her on the bed. She nods looking at me smiling.

" I love zayn more then anything. I know he hurts me out of how angry I make him and I know it's mostly my fault. Just be careful with harry. He's a lot more aggressive then any of the other boys" she says taking hold of my hand pulling me up with her.

" Alex should be done with dinner soon" she says walking out and down stairs again.

We both sit down on the couch along with Danielle. She smiles at me and looks toward Perrie.

" can I ask you both something" I look down then back up to find them both nodding.

" would I ever be aloud out of this house" I ask as they both start giggling. I raise my eye brows expecting them to reply.

" yes your not stuck here" Danielle replies laughing. I slightly nod not convinced. I kind of am stuck here. If I go outside sure enough Harry would have a fit at me.

" I think I'm going to have a shower" I whisper.

" okay, listen if you need anything please come to us" Danielle says and I nod still not looking up. I get up making my way to the stairs when the front door slams open making me jump nearly falling head first.

" hurry up, he's loosing blood" someone speaks as a loud groan fills the room. I walk back to the lounge room to find everyone crowding around the couch.

" where's Payton" Harry groans. I walk over noticing he's shirt covered in blood. He notices me and half smiles returned with a groan as Louis cuts away at his shirt.

" what happened" my soft voice hears over the groaning.

" he got shot" Liam replies as he helps Louis fix Harry. This is what the asshole get, a smile tugs on my lips thinking this is totally karma. I walk backwards noticing everyone fuss around with Harry they wouldn't even notice me gone.

This is my one and only chance. Harry's to weak to catch me and I'm sure the other boys wouldn't care.

Possessive... Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now