Hopelessly Devoted -What had happened was..

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Layla's POV

"So who wants to explain?" Mrs. Megan said calmly.

Bentley, Brantley, Hope and I were all sitting on the big couch. I was squashed in between the two boys, and Hope was on the other side of Brantley. I was sitting there twiddling my thumbs, trying not to look at Mrs. Megan. I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to answer.

"When did this happen?" Mr. Leland asked after none of us answered.

Bethany and Brandon were standing in the doorway listening, waiting for one of us to answer. I was waiting on Bentley or Brantley. Finally, Bentley let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course, he would be the one to respond. He was the responsible one.

"Over a month ago." He said.

"And do their parents know?" Mrs. Megan asked motioning toward Hope and I.

"No ma'am, they don't." Bentley answered her truthfully.

"Do you not realize how much trouble you could get in?" Mrs. Megan yelled. "They're sixteen!"

"Seventeen." Brantley corrected her. What idiot corrects their mother over some small detail when she is ranting? Oh right, Brantley.

"Megan, calm down." Mr. Leland said patting her hand, then he turned to the boys. "Did y'all plan on telling us?" He asked.

"If things got to the point of being serious.." Bentley said choosing his words carefully.

"Girls, I think you two need to talk to your parents about this. We won't tell them, but you should." Mrs. Megan said with a sigh. That caused me to sigh. I really didn't want to talk to my parents about this.

"Yes ma'am." Hope and I said together. Bentley squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

"We're not exactly happy about this, but if you boys are sure that this is what y'all want then, we won't stop you.. "

"Thank you." Bentley said , sounding relieved. I even cracked a smile.

"Well girls why don't y'all come help me in the kitchen." Mrs. Megan said standing up from the love seat.

Bethie, Hope and I got up quietly and followed her. This was going to be interesting. Hope and I were going to hang out with our boyfriends' mother. I turned back and looked at Bentley. He gave me a smile and a wink, encouraging me that it would be okay. I quickly smiled back at him and went into  kitchen.

I sat down at the table with Bethie and Hope while Mrs. Megan fixed something for us to snack on. Bethie shot me a small smile when she saw me nervously looking around the room. One minute the woman looks ready to murder me for kissing her son, and the next she is inviting me into her kitchen, where she gives us milk and cookies. Yeah! I'm definitely nervous!

"Mama, can Hope and Layla spend the night with me tonight?" Bethie asked munching on a cookie.

"Um.. Bethany.." Mrs. Megan started to say. I could tell that subject made her uncomfortable so I decided to help her out.

"Uh Bethie, I don't think that would be a good idea. I mean your parents are just finding out and our parents don't know.. Hope and I don't want to put them in a position to lie." I said looking at Hope who was nodding along with me. I glanced at Mrs. Megan who shot me a grateful look.

"But they won't be lying. You would be staying the night with me."

"I don't think it would be good either. We'd be putting your parents in an awkward position Bethie.. Maybe one day you can come stay with us."  Hope offered.

Hopelessly Devoted #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now