Hopelessly Devoted - A Talk With Daddy

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Layla's POV

The next few months went by rather quickly. I stayed busy with school and planning things for the babies and before I even realized it, October rolled around and I was seven months pregnant.

Now you think women who are having only one baby are huge? I was ginormous! Okay, maybe I was exaggerating but I felt like it. I mean, I was definitely big. I couldn't see my toes anymore, if that tell you anything.

I sat down on my bed with a sigh and looked around my room. It was packed full with three cribs, boys and girls outfits, and just about everything necessity my babies would need. I knew that I needed more though. I was having three babies which meant I needed triple the amount of everything! More diapers, more formula, more pacifiers, more blankets, more of everything! The problem was I was running out of space to put it. We were in desperate need of the new house.

That project was under construction at the moment, but no matter how much they did during the day, the workers were not going to be able to complete it in time. I guess that's what we get for putting off the plans.

I rested my hand on my stomach and felt the painful jabs of the kids. I figured they were running out of room, because they were always moving! I rarely got any sleep because of my munchkins. I began rubbing my stomach and talking soothingly, hoping they would calm down so I could rest a little bit since I was going to my parents later that evening.

The triplets finally settled down and I was able to get thirty minutes of peaceful sleep before they became rowdy again.

'Get use to it. You won't be getting any sleep for a long time!" I told myself.

I finally managed to convince myself to climb out bed and get dressed for dinner. I settled on a pair of stretchy pants and a maternity shirt. I braided my hair to the side and decided that I was ready.

"Bout to head over to your parent's house?" Brandon asked when I walked out of my room.

"Yeah.. all my mother wants to do is tell me to call Bentley." I said. That's all my mama did when I was there. She wanted me to contact Bentley and tell him about the babies. I stood my ground though, I wasn't calling him!

"Drive safe! Feed my niece and nephews a lot of good food!" Brandon called as I walked out the door.

The drive to my parents only lasted for about twenty minutes. Sophie was already there when I pulled up, which was odd, she hardly ever came home for dinner or a visit anymore. College kept her super busy.

I walked into the house, and found no one in the kitchen, which was also very odd. Then I walked into the dining room and was surprised to find my family there, well part of my family. My mother and siblings were there, but my father was missing. They had a cake sitting on the middle of the table. Half was pink and said 'its a girl', the other half was blue and said 'its two boys!'

"Thanks guys." I said smiling and hugging my family members.

"Your welcome sweetie." Mama said as she hugged me back. "Jace would you go tell your father that dinner is ready?" She asked.

"I'll go." I volunteered as I walked to the back door.

"Layla, Jace can go. That is a lot of walking." My mother said.

"I don't mind, I'll go." I said as I slide my shoes back onto my feet.

My daddy was a regular mr. fix it. He spent most of his spare time out in his workshop fixing things for his friends, refinishing furniture, building furniture, and all that sort of stuff. He always lost track of time when he was working.

"Daddy!" I yelled as I stepped into the shop and heard the saw going. "Daddy!" I yelled again and the saw cut off. "Supper's ready." I said.

"Okay, I'll be in in a minute.." he said and I started to turn around and walk out. "uh.. Layla wait." He said and I paused. "I need to talk to you."

I let out a sigh and walked over to where my daddy was. I moved his old step stool and sat down on it. I was too tired to stand up. He took his safety glasses off and sighed as well and then leaned against the work table.

"Layla.. You're .. I .. I know that sometimes you and I don't always see eye to eye, but you know I love you don't you?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I said.

"I've been feeling guilty about something since I found out you were pregnant... Layla, I called Bentley and told him to break things off with you.." My father said.

My mouth dropped open and then I felt my expression change. How could he do that? How could he sit there and watch me cry over that break up and not tell me?

"Why would you do that?" I asked as I felt the years in my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"I scared that we were going to lose you and that's every parents worst nightmare. You would've been in Texas, Layla, settling for a community college, you would've been away from everyone and you would've been.."

"I would've been happy." I said interrupting him. "and I wouldn't be raising three babies alone." I said, as I touched my stomach.

"I was only thinking of you..' He said.

"No you weren't." I said sadly.

"Layla, I'm sorry." Daddy said and he looked like he truly was. He looked like he felt extremely guilty and ashamed for what he had done.

"I'm not going to say that it's okay, because it's not." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "But I forgive you Daddy." I said and then I hugged him.

It was easier to understand now. Now that I was going to be a mother, I understood my parents a little bit better. I already loved my babies more than anyone else in the world and I didn't want to lose them either and that's how my parents had felt.

"We'd better go inside." Daddy said.

"You go on. I need a minute." I said offering him a weak smile. Daddy nodded his head and then went to join the rest of the family inside.

As soon as I knew he wasn't going to come back out, I let a few more tears fall. I cried for the loss of my relationship and for the fact that I had pushed my father to do that, and I cried for my kids, who still would not meet their daddy.

A/N next one will be a lot better I promise!

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