Hopelessly Devoted - The Last Time

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Layla's POV

I spent the next week debating over whether or not I should call Bentley. Of course, I was upset that my father had gone behind my back to get Bentley to break up with me, but now that I was pregnant, I understood why he had done it.

My only problem was, I didn't know what to do about Bentley.

Throwing what my father had done into the equation had made me feel guilty about keeping it from Bentley.. did he deserve to know? Did I need to try calling him again? Was it too late?

A look down at my swollen abdomen told me there was a good chance that it was too late. It was the second day of November and in a little over a month, my three babies would be arriving. It was starting to hit me.. literally.

The three of them must've been feeling cramped in there, because they moved around all the time, or at least that's what it felt like. Not to mention the Braxton Hicks. Those were a pain, literally and hypothetically. Being pregnant with three kids was a tiring job, but I still went on with life. Most women would've probably went on bed rest for the last month, but I chose to be pushed around in a wheelchair, that way I could still attend my classes. The wheelchair didn't give me as much freedom as I had hoped, but it was better than being stuck in a bed all day.

I let out a groan and decided that I needed a break from thinking, so I got up from bed and waddled toward the kitchen. Food seemed to be the answer to everything. I grabbed the fruit bowl that Brandon had left for me and went into the living room where I found him typing on his lap top.

"Taking a break from arguing with yourself?" he asked without looking up from the computer screen.

"Yes.. arguing with myself is a very tiring job." I told him as I eased my way down onto the couch.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, looking at me this time.

"I know you want me to call him." I said with a small smile.

"I want you to do what's right for you and the triplets." He replied.

"What if he hates me? What if he says I got pregnant just so I could trap him?" I asked, exposing my secret fears to Brandon.

"I won't lie to you. He'll probably be mad, I mean you should've told him eight months ago.. but he could never hate you.." He tried to reassure me.

"What if I don't tell him and the kids hate me?" I asked.

"They're your kids, they'll understand why you did and they'll think you're amazing for doing this on your own." 

"What if I can't do this alone?" I asked, suddenly panicking at the thought of being a bad mother.

"Layla, I'm here you for and so Is the rest of my family. We're going to help you.."

"I can't freeload off of y'all forever though.. I need to be able to take care of them by myself."

"You're going to. Layla, you're one of the strongest people I know. Do you remember the night you passed out? You acted like it was nothing while I was freaking out." He said with a small chuckle. "You were ready to get back to business the next day, you've  just got to keep that mind set, like you did when Bentley left. Take it one day at a time and keeping on moving. Never give up."

"You should think about becoming a motivational coach." I told Brandon with a smile as I took my snack and went back to my room.

Despite Brandon's pep talk, I still felt discouraged. How could I ever manage three babies alone? I use to be so sure that I was making the right decision but as my due date became closer, I began to doubt myself.

As I settled back into my bed, I picked up my phone.

"Do what's right for the babies.." I told myself as I dialed Bentley's number with shaking hands.

I felt my heartbeat pick up as I heard the ringing begin. My hands felt sweaty and I desperately wanted to click the 'end call' button, but I didn't allow myself to. I was determined to do this... it was what my kids needed. My babies would need their daddy, and I knew that in a weird way, I needed Bentley. I needed Bentley to he on board with me. If he was supportive and positive, then I would feel more confident about it as well. I didn't need a relationship with him, but I desperately needed his support, his reassurance. No one else could comfort me about it, no one but the father of my kids.

"Hello?" A voice came from the other end of the line.  Definitely not Bentley. It was woman's voice, but it didn't sound like Molly either.

"Molly?" I asked, just to be sure that it wasn't her.

"No, my name is Kate." the Woman explained. "And this is..?"

"Umm.." for some reason I felt the need to not be totally honest with this person. "Hope." I replied, hoping that my friend wouldn't mind that I was stealing her identity for the moment. "Is Bentley there?" I added.

"He's showering right now.. Did you say you're Hope? Brantley's girlfriend?" The lady named Kate asked.

"Um... yes?" I replied.

"Oh!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Its nice to meet you, I'm Bentley's girlfriend, I'm sure Brandon and Brantley have mentioned that I date him." She boasted proudly.

I felt a twinge of pain in my chest but replied with a 'yes' even though I really didn't know he had a girlfriend. Maybe calling wasn't a good idea..

"Anyways what did you need?" Kate asked.

"...I was calling to see if he was coming home on Thanksgiving." I lied.

"Well he hasn't said, I think he is still trying avoid that ex girlfriend of his.. uh, Lilly right?"

"Yeah, Lilly." I said a tad bitterly.

"Well, I'll tell him you called.." She offered.

"Oh no, you don't have to, Brant will just call later." I said as tears began to prick my eyes. Stupid  hormones were going crazy again.

"Okay, well I guess I will meet you soon Hope." Kate said cheerfully.

"Sure." I said and hung up.

He had a girlfriend. He had moved on... and I was happy for him, but I was scared for me. I couldn't tell him now. Not after he had found someone else, I couldn't ruin that..

So it was back to the original plan.

"It looks like it's just you and me guys." I said to my belly as I rubbed my hands over the spots where they were kicking. " I love you babies." I added softly.

A/N not really pleased with this but I think it will do. I had this halfway written on Saturday and it somehow got deleted so I rushed to get it written for y'all because I feel like y'all deserved an update.

Anyways, comment and vote!

Also check out my new book 'All for the Thrill' and tell me what you think! thanks guys!

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