Hopelessly Devoted - I'm Not Gonna Cry

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Layla's POV

"Layla, hurry up!" Brandon yelled. I picked up my bag and walked toward the door.

"Bran, we've still got an hour before we have to leave." I said.

"I just want you to get out of the bathroom." He grumbled.

I waited a few extra minutes and then finally opened the door to allow him inside. It was graduation day and I had been fixing my makeup when he interrupted me. I decided to be nice and let him have the bathroom though.

Besides, I wanted a snack.

"Brant!" I called as I walked toward the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Will you please get me a snack?" I asked sweetly.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"Cheese and the chocolate milk powder." I answered, smiling at him.

He spoiled me. Since I was pregnant with his nieces or nephews, he waited on me hand and foot. It was pretty great. Brandon was the same way. They both made sure that I stayed well fed and comfortable. They were determined to make sure that my pregnancy went as smoothly as possible.

I plopped down on the couch and Brant brought me my snack. I greedily started spooning the chocolate powder into my mouth while he made a face.

"Chocolate and cheese. weirdest combination ever." He said as he sat down.

Brandon walked in and looked me, then started shaking his head.

"Is that healthy? Should pregnant people eat like that?" he asked Brant.

"I don't know, but I ain't taking it from her."

"You're suppose to make sure she eats good Brant." Brandon said to his brother.

"You don't think she should eat? Then you take it from her. I like my life." Brant replied stubbornly and I shot Brandon a smug smile. Nobody was taking my food from me.

"Fine. We'll let you eat that, but tonight you're eating healthy." Brandon said pointing a finger at me.

"I graduate tonight, I'm going to celebrate." I told him. He was so bossy now-a-days. He rolled his eyes but didn't argue. I finished eating and then went to continue getting ready.

I couldn't believe that I was graduating. At the rehearsals it didn't feel real, but as we walked into the auditorium, it hit me. I was never going to walk through the halls of this school again. I wasn't ever going to eat in the cafeteria again, or walk into the auditorium for an assembly. I was finally graduating.. and what a bittersweet moment it was.

I looked around at all the other graduates and wanted to cry. All the years we'd all been together, all those years were coming to an end. We were about to enter into the adult world, we were about to be loaded down with responsibility (me especially.) I just couldn't help but wonder, where did all the time go? When did I go from being a care free child to a pregnant high school graduate?

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked to see Hope. I didn't say anything, because if I did I would have cried, so I just hugged her. Being pregnant was making me very emotional.

"Come on, Baby Mama, lets go find out seats." She said offering me a small smile.

Not everyone knew I was pregnant. I mean, I wasn't trying to hide it, but I just didn't broadcast it for everyone to hear. Hope called me 'baby mama' a lot though, so I'm sure some people caught on. I didn't care who all found out because, it's not like I was going to be able to hide three babies.

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