Hopelessly Devoted - The Morning After

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Layla's POV

"I can feel you staring at me." I grumbled groggily.

"I've missed this sight." Bentley replied and I could tell, without opening my eyes, that he was smiling.

"Its not much of a sight." I told him as I pulled the comforter up to my nose, so my face was halfway covered.

He just chuckled and pulled my closer to him. He absentmindedly began taking his fingers lightly across my stomach.

"You don't have any scars." He stated.

"Coco butter works wonders." I told him with a smile.

"No, I meant from having a c-section.." Bentley said.

"I didn't have a c-section.." I told him snuggling even closer to stay warm.

"But.. wait..." He said as his eyebrows began to furrow, showing that he was confused.

"I told you they came earlier.." I said.

"Yeah, but I still assumed that you had a section."

"I was in labor all day, I didn't go to the hospital until about one a.m., there wasn't enough time. The doctor came in and he told me that he couldn't stop the contractions and that I was having the babies right then."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Bentley interrupted me. "He? As in the doctor was male?"

"Yes, Doctor Taylor couldn't make it in time." I told him with an eye roll. Of course the doctor being a boy would be a big deal.

"I should've been there." He said sadly.

"Well, you're here now, and that's what's important." I told him, then got up and to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To take a shower." I said as I stepped inside the bathroom and closed the door.

I began running the water and placed the body wash and shampoo on the edge. I was pulling a towel out of the cabinet when the bathroom door opened.

"What are you doing?" I asked easing an eyebrow at Bentley.

"You owe me a shower." He told me simply.

"How do you figure that?" I asked slightly amused.

"Think back to our first time." He replied smirking.

Realization washed over me. He was right, I did promise him a shower.

"Well I'll be damned." I muttered. He started smirking again because he knew I was going to let him have his way.

We were just getting out when we heard the house phone ringing. He quickly pulled on a pair of boxers and ran to the living room to answer it. I stayed in the bathroom because I only had a towel wrapped around me and I was trying to comb out my hair.

I walked out into my bedroom a minute later and he was walking in Ty door with the phone.

"It's for you." He muttered. I took the phone and answered.


"Layla, hey." The familiar voice of my boyfriend greeted me and I instantly felt guilty.

"Hey Eric." I replied trying to sound cheerful.

"I tried calling your cell, but I didn't get an answer."

"I was in the shower and didn't hear it ringing." I told him.

"Well I was just making sure that we were still going to go out tonight.." He asked.

"Sure, yeah." I said nervously.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at seven then." He said.

"Sounds like a plan." I said, making even more of an effort to sound cheerful.

"Alright well, I love you. Bye." He said.

"Love you too, bye." I said and stole a glance at Bentley whose body went ridged at those words.

Hell was about to break loose.

I clicked the end call button and turned to him. "Bentley.." I said softly.

"So let me get this straight.. you slept with me last night, but you're planning a date with your boyfriend for tonight?" He asked.

"I didn't plan on sleeping with you." I said. "It just happened."

"The point is it did happen Layla." He argued.

"Yes it did and it was completely irresponsible." I argued back.

"So you didn't mean a word of what you said?" He asked.

"I didn't say that!" I yelled.

"Well your actions sure as hell said it for you." Bentley roared.

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I can be with you Bentley!" I stated.

"And why the hell not?" He asked.

"You left me. You broke my heart and you left, I can't go through that again, I can't trust you." I told him.

"I'm not going anywhere, damn it!" He argued back.

"I can't believe in that! You left before, you'll do it again. I don't think I could fix myself if you walked out again. Once was hard enough." I cried.

"Layla, why are you running from me?" He demanded.

"Because last night proved I obviously still am not over you, and I need to be. I can't get caught up in that whirlwind again. I can't trust myself with you." I said.

"Damn it, what can I do to convince you that we need to be a family?" He pleaded with me.

"I don't know if you can convince me." I said sadly, as he let out a defeated sigh and walked out.

A/N eh it's kinda iffy but it's an update.

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I'm on Thanksgiving break now and I hope I might finish it or get close to finishing this book. I'm sad that it's most over. I've loved writing this and thanks for all the support but anyways it's not over yet! There are still some more chapter! I promise

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