Hopelessly Devoted - Well hello there

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Layla's POV

"Stay safe." Mama said as she gave me a hug. It was two weeks after graduation, and we were able to leave to go on our 'senior trip' that the guys were taking us on.

"Oh trust me, nothing will happen to her." Brant assured my mother as he walked by us to put my bag in the truck.

"Okay, well have fun." She said.

"I will Mama, don't spend your entire week worrying." I replied and then got into the front seat next to Brandon.

Hope and Brant were sprawled out in the backseat, along with a few of our bags, but we all were able to fit comfortably in Brandon's truck.

The ride there took forever.. okay, well not literally, but it took a very long time. It was worse than the trip to Texas over Thanksgiving break. I made Brandon stop every now and then though because .. well, I had to pee. Naturally he complained about my small bladder, but I told him it was his nieces or nephews. They were all three taking turns sitting there, or either one of them just wouldn't move.

We stopped once we were about halfway there and decided to drive the other half of the trip the next day. Riding from Georgia to Massachusetts was very tiring. So once we got into the hotel room, I plopped down on the bed and slept like a baby.

The next morning, I awoke to find Brandon standing over me, while brushing his teeth.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm just making sure you get up this time. We've tried waking you up three times, but every time you'd say 'I'm getting up' then you'd go back to sleep." He told me.

I let out a reluctant sigh and climbed out of the nice, warm bed. Brandon went back to the bathroom to continue brushing his teeth, and I went out onto the balcony where Hope was.

"Morning Sunshine." She said cheerfully. "The hotel serves breakfast, Do you want to go eat?" she asked. Of course, I agreed. I wasn't going to turn down food, so the four us went to the dining room.

I got a plate of waffles, bacon, and hash browns, along with a glass of orange juice. Brant tried to tell me that bacon wasn't good for pregnant women and that he should eat it, so I wouldn't be tempted to eat all four slices.

"You touch my bacon and you're a dead man." I threatened him. He gave up after that.

It's a wonder he wasn't as fat as Bentley. Brantley was the smallest out of all the triplets, but he ate enough to for all three of them. He wasn't skinny, but wasn't fat either. Bentley was the biggest of the three, he liked to say that he had muscle, but a good deal of it was just fat. Brandon on the other hand, worked out and did his best to stay fit, so he wasn't small looking but he didn't look fat either.

After breakfast, we piled back into the truck and drove the rest of the way to Massachusetts. Brandon pulled up to a gorgeous hotel, called Green Harbor Resort and I thought I was in Heaven. We had our own little cottage, which was the perfect size for all of us, and it had a water front view. I stood beside the truck and gazed at the view. It was sunset and the pink and blue of the sky over the water, was absolutely breathtaking. I sighed and moved to Brandon and Brant. I wrapped each of them in a hug and told them thank you.

"Are you crying?" Brant asked sounding worried, as if he had done something wrong.

"I'm pregnant Brant, sometimes we like to cry, even when we're happy." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"As long as it's happy tears this time." Brandon told me as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"They're happy tears, I promise." I replied.

The next morning, I was up bright and early. I was excited to begin the day. The others were too because it didn't take us long to get ready and then head to the beach. I felt a little self conscious in my bathing suit because of my baby bump, but I knew it was pointless in trying to hide it.

The beach was just as amazing as the resort. 'Thank you Jenny Han for making me want to visit Cape Cod!' I thought as I looked over the clean, uncrowded beach. I set up a chair and began to relax, while listening to my iPod. The boys and Hope were hitting a beach ball back and forth between them, if you looked at them you probably would've thought that they were a bunch of teenagers instead of two twenty two year olds and an eighteen year old. I smiled as I watched them though, at least They were having a good time and enjoying themselves.

We got in the water a little, but it was still too cold for me and by the flutters I felt in my stomach I don't think the babies liked it either. So if I got in the water, I didn't let it go past my thighs. After all happy babies equal a happy mommy.

I went back onto the beach after a few minutes and curled up in a towel while I watched the others splash through the waves. I was so lucky to have them, and I was thankful that they had planned this trip so I wouldn't miss out on anything. I pulled a water from the cooler we had brought along and sat there sipping it.

"Uh excuse me.." I heard a voce say. I turned to my left and saw a boy ... well, man, he was definitely older than I was.

"Umm.. hi." I said, I wasn't exactly sure what was going on.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were sitting alone, so I figured I would introduce myself." He said politely. "I'm Eric Lucas." He added extending his hand.

"Layla Parks, and it was nice of you to come over but I'm not here alone. I came with my friends." I said nodding toward them.

"Well, you're still sitting alone, I figured you could use some company." He said with a grin.

"I appreciate that but I'm going to go ahead and warn you, I'm pregnant." I said softly.

"So you do have a boyfriend?" He asked looking slightly disappointed.

"No, there's no boyfriend.. but there will be there babies." I told him.

"Then it's a good thing I love babies." He said with a wink as he sat down beside me.

A/N what did you think? did you like Eric?

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