Hopelessly Devoted - What The Fudge!

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Layla's POV

Over the next eight months, the wedding plans consumed our lives. We had to get dresses, tuxes, food, flowers, music, find a place to have it, plan the reception, order a cake, and still get through our daily lives. The time slipped between our fingers and before we knew it, it was the week of the wedding.

"Don't forget to call the bakery about the cake, make sure they know exactly what we want." I reminded Brandon before he left. It was Wednesday morning, and the wedding was taking place on Saturday, so we had to perfect everything over the next few days.

"And you need to pick up the kids shoes." He reminded me. I nodded.

"I'll do that when I drop them off at preschool." I said.

Yes, preschool. Even though I still stayed home, we had enrolled the kids in a half day preschool program. It had been Brandon's idea. I was wary of it at first. I didn't like the idea of them not being with me, but he told me that them going would give me time to focus on school work and run any errands I needed, and it would also allow them to make friends and practice their social skills. I couldn't exactly argue with that, so I agreed to let them go into a half day program and they loved it.

"Don't forget to pick up Molly." I called behind him before closing the door.

Molly was coming down a few days early to help us get ready and I was grateful that she was coming. Wedding planning was very draining. I sighed as I thought about who else was coming to the wedding. Bentley. Luckily, he wasn't arriving until Saturday morning and the service was Saturday night. He told his brothers that he only intended to stay until Monday. I was relieved that he wouldn't be around long, and I hoped that I would be able to keep the kids away from him, but knew it was impossible since he would be a Best Man and the kids were also apart of the wedding party.

Bentley's POV

"I'm going to miss you so much when you go to that wedding." Kate said as we ate breakfast at a little cafe in town.

"I'll miss you too." I said and focused on cutting my steak.

"Maybe I could come with you.. I mean, we've been dating for three years, I think it's time I visited your home." She said.

"No.." I said and then added, when I saw her hurt expression. "I haven't been home in a long time, I think I need to do this by myself, not to mention I'll be spending a lot of time with my brothers and it's really only going to be family at the wedding." I explained.

"I can understand that, I guess.." She said. "Does Hope have an Instagram? I would love to see what she looks like." Kate said. She was curious about my family.

"I'm sure she does." I told her, smiling at the fact that she wanted to know about the people I cared about.

She was able to find Hope's page and even Brant's and Brandon's. She kept going through all of their pictures, and showing them to me because I didn't have an Instagram.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a niece and nephews!" Kate asked excitedly. "They are so cute!"

"What?" I asked and she turned her phone to show me a picture of three kids who were no doubt Lake kids and from the looks of it, triplets. "Can I hold that?" I asked her and she nodded.

I looked through a few more of his pictures of the kids and saw where Layla commented on them. She said the words 'my kids' and 'my babies', so I clicked her page and sure enough, just about every picture was of those children.

I tapped a recent one and looked at the caption. 'Hard to believe my triplets will be three in another week.' and that picture had been posted, that day. I did the math in my head. Nine months before November. That meant she got pregnant in February.

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