Hopelessly Devoted - Decision Time

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A/N last night, after I finished writing, I thought of a friend who passed away about two months ago. It's hard to believe that I won't ever see them again, I've known quite a few people who have died. Great grandparents, people I went to school with, aunts, but for some reason this one hit closer to home than the others. Maybe it's just because I'm older now, but anyways this chapter is in memory of him.

On a lighter note, I want to thank everyone for their support. I appreciate more than y'all know. Before wattpad, only about two people ever read my writing, so all the support really means a lot. Okay, I'm done rambling, we can get back to Layla and Bentley.

Layla's POV

Bentley was the first person I showed the acceptance letters to. I was proud of myself for getting into those schools but I was also sad. All my hard work, and I wouldn't get to go to any of those schools.

A few days after he left to go back to Texas, I decided to show my parents. They were both in the kitchen talking about work when I got there. I had been with Cammie, we had gone to pick up her prom dress. Prom was the second week of April, but I wasn't planning on going. I wouldn't have a date anyways.

"Hey sweetie." Mama said looking away from the spaghetti that she was finding.

"Hey Mama, hey Daddy.. Um I have something to show y'all." I said pulling the three letters out of my bag.

My daddy took them out of my hand and skimmed over them, then handed them to Mama.

"This is great Layla! I'm really proud of you." Daddy said pulling me into a hug.

"Oh honey! I'm proud of you too!" Mama added with tears in her eyes. "Which one are you going to?"

Here it goes..

"Well actually, there was another place that I applied to, and I'm waiting to hear from them.." I said not divulging much.

"What? These were the three you wanted though. You haven't mentioned any other school.."

"Well, I didn't really discuss it with y'all, I don't think y'all will really like it." I said.

"Where did you apply?" My daddy asked, he was obviously catching on.

"Austin community college." I said softly then turned to the sink. "Oh I need to load the dishwasher." I said quickly.

I felt them both looking at me. I didn't have to face them to know what looks I was getting. Daddy was glaring, his stare was burning a hole into my neck, while my mother was shocked and hurt. She probably had tears in her eyes, and I just couldn't deal with it.

"As in Austin, Texas?" Mama asked.

'No, Austin, Georgia.' I thought sarcastically but I said. "Yes. Texas."

"You didn't even discuss this with us." Daddy said.

"Where I decide to go to college is my decision." I said as I fixed myself a glass of water.

"And who is paying for that schooling?" Daddy demanded.

"I didn't ask you to." I shot back. "You said you would."

"I'm not paying for you to go live with that boy and not get an education." He said.

"Then don't. But I WILL go with live with THAT boy and I WILL get an education. I have worked hard to get into good schools, and Bentley understands that, he isn't going to drag me away from school." I said.

"He already is." Daddy said referring to my change in school choice.

"Like I said, where I go to school is my choice. I want to go to Texas."

Hopelessly Devoted #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now