Hopelessly Devoted - Choices

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Layla's POV

After I got dressed in a light blue dress and cowboy boots, and decided I needed to go pick my children up. I looked in the hall mirror and fluffed my hair, then walked toward the front door. I put my hand on the door knob and then sighed.

I walked back across the house and knocked lightly on the door to the guest bedroom. The room where Bentley had been staying. The door was cracked so I just pushed it open. He was lying on his bed and just looked at me with a blank expression.
I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"Do you want to keep the kids tonight? if you're busy I can ask my parents, but I didn't know if you would want to, you don't have to.." I stuttered out, dragging on the sentence nervously.

"I'll keep them." He replied glancing at me once again with an emotionless look. I felt a twinge of pain in my chest, but then remembered it was my fault. I had caused him to be in a bitter mood.

"I'm going to go get them.." I stated awkwardly and then finally left.

Bethie met me at the door and we walked into the living room where my kids were having a wrestling match with their grandfather. Mr. Leland was crawling around on the floor, with the triplets attacking him from all angles, he was definitely losing the match.

"Monster! leave my sister alone!" Andrew declared, as Mr. Leland began tickling Ava.

Aiden jumped on his grandpa's back and tried to help his sister but ended up getting captured as well. I let out a giggle as I watched the scene before me unfold and that drew their attention to me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" they yelled and came barreling toward me. I leaned down and caught all three of them in a hug. I placed a kiss on each child's forehead and greeted them.

"You guys ready to go see Daddy?" I asked them and they squealed excitedly. They truly did love Bentley.

"Mind if I tag along?" Bethie asked as loaded the kids into my car.

"Not at all, Bentley might need your help tonight, he's watching the kids." I told her.

"Where are you going?" She asked. I have her a pointed look and she rolled her eyes. "Out with Eric."

"That's right." I said.

It didn't take long to get back to the house. When we walked inside, we were greeted by a shirtless Bentley who was making his way toward the kitchen.

"Daddy!" My kids exclaimed and rushed over to hug him. His face lit up at the sight of them and once again, I felt a pang of sadness wash over me.

"Go put your things in your room, then y'all can play with Daddy." I told them and they quickly ran down the hall. Bentley turned to walk into the kitchen, not even sparing me a glance.

"Oh my God! Bentley!" Bethie exclaimed. "What happened to your back!?"

He turned back, liking confused and tried to turn his head to see what she was talking about. He turned his back in my direction and I caught sight if the red marks that were on his lower back, on each side. I began to blush furiously. Bethie, being the smart girl that she is, starting smirking and looked over at me.

"You two had sex didn't you?" She asked as Bentley continued to try to see his back.

"Oh my God, Bethie, that is not up for discussion." I said as I grabbed Bentley's arm and drug him into the hall bathroom.

He turned and looked in the mirror an mumbled a 'damn'. I felt my face go even redder.

"Sorry about that..." I muttered.

"Don't worry about it." He said and still did not look at me. He moved to grab the door handle but I grabbed his arm.

"Bentley.." I pleaded. "Please, just talk to me, civilly.. please.." I begged.

"I am." He responded, and walked out. I let out a frustrated sigh and muttered a few curse words before exiting the bathroom.

'He would talk to you, if you weren't going out with Eric tonight.' I said to myself but I wouldn't cancel that date. Eric hadn't done anything wrong, I was the one who had screwed up.

He arrived on time, as usual, and I greeted him at the door. He gave me a quick kiss, then I leaned into the living room where Bentley and Bethie were with my babies.

"Be good Babies, I'll see y'all later." I told my kids. "I'll be back in a few hours." I told the two supervisors. Bentley just grunted in response and Bethie replied with an 'okay'.

Eric held my hand as he walked me to the car and then opened the door for me, being even more of a gentleman than usual. We drove across town and ended up at a nice resturant.

Dinner was about the same as always. We kept a lively chatter, taking about the kids, work and school. I felt guilty about my actions the night before but I made no move to tell him.

After our dinner of red wine and steak, He drove us to a place we hadn't been before.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise." He said as one hand rested on the steering wheel, while the other hand held mine. He gave me a mischievous grin and continued to drive.

I pestered him for about twenty more minutes until he stopped the car. He put it in park, cut the engine and came around to my door. He opened it for me and took my hand helping me out.

"Eric, what are we doing?" I asked giggling.

"Just come on." he replied as he led my toward a path.

The path led to a long dock, that was over a lake. I looked at him and smiled, it was a beautiful place. There were tree lanterns hanging up, making it easy to see and the moon was out over the water causing it to glisten as the stars shined brightly.

He walked out onto the dock and I stood there staring out that amazing view. He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I couldn't take you back to the place that I first met you, but I figured this was close enough to the beach." He whispered.

"It's so beautiful out here, so peaceful." I replied, still mesmerized by the nighttime.

He gently turned me so that I was looking at him and took a deep breath.

"I know that I am not prefect and I know I am not the father I those children, but Layla, I want you to know that I love you, and even though the triplets aren't mine I will love them because they are apart of you and I will treat them like they are my children. I know we've only been together for a year, but I don't think I wait anymore, I want to e with you everyday, and I want your kids with us everyday, I want us to be a family..." Eric said and I sucked in a breath and started crying.

"Layla, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you please marry me?" He asked as he pulled out a satin box, opening it to expose a diamond ring.

A/N so what did you think?

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