Hopelessly Devoted - The Daddy Explanation

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Layla's POV

After the awkward doctors office visit, the kids and I went back home. I just couldn't get over the fact that Eric was their new pediatrician. Like seriously, what were the odds of that happening?

We were sitting at the kitchen table, drawing Thanksgiving pictures, which for kids their age was a bunch of scribbles, when out of the blue Andrew looked over at me.

"Does my daddy love me?" He asked, taking me by surprise.

"Yes.." I answered not sure where this conversation was going. You can never tell what's going through a two year olds head.

"Why him not here?" Ava asked looking positively puzzled.

"Well guys..." I said stalling for time. "He is in Texas." I said, not sure what else to say.

"Where's that?" Aiden asked, joining in on the interrogation.

"It's far away." I said explaining it simply for them.

"Why we not with him?" Andrew asked.

"Well.... You guys were a bit of a surprise.. And Your daddy doesn't know about y'all because we don't want to ruin his surprise.." I lied.

"When him come home?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"So him do him love us?" Ava asked, repeating Andrew's question from earlier.

"Very much." I told my daughter. I knew that if Bentley knew about his children that he would love them... but I feared that if I would have told him, then he would've not only resented me but resented them as well and I couldn't risk it.

They continued to ask questions but I quickly distracted them with the offer of hot chocolate and cookies. Thank God for their small one track minds. I let out a sigh as they enjoyed their snack, I couldn't avoid their questions forever. Once they got older they would demand answers and I would have to tell them or else they would probably hunt him down. They were all like him in that way as well. Stubborn.

Later, when it was their bedtime, I took the three and tucked them into their toddler beds. Ava's bed was against the pink painted wall, While Andrew and Aiden's beds were against the two blue colored walls, the fourth wall was left white.

"I love you guys." I said as I kissed their heads.

"Love you Mommy." they replied.

Once I left their room, I went down the hall to Brandon's room. I went to tap on it but heard him speaking and knew he was on the phone with Molly. Those two were still together and they worked hard to keep their relationship going. I knew he was excited because she would be visit that weekend. Honestly, I think my children were just as excited as Brandon. They loved their 'Aunt Molly'.

I retreated back to my room to give the their time to talk and decided to go on to bed. It was difficult for my to get any slumber though. I kept thinking about what to do about the kids and Bentley.

I glanced over at the clock and sighed when I saw that it read 1:30. I threw my blankets away and instantly regretted it as the cold air hit me, but nevertheless I got up and went to my closet.

I took a lot of digging but I finally found three pictures of me and Bentley that I had kept and put them in my sidetable. Then I cleaned up the small mess I had made of my closet and went back to bed.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard three little voices saying excitedly and then I felt my bed begin to move.

I opened my eyes to find my three two year olds, jumping on my bed. I smiled and let out a smile.

"Good morning Babies." I said as they all three plopped down and scrambled to get under the covers next to me.

"Tell us a story." Aiden asked snuggled up to me on my right side.

"About Daddy." Ava directed as she cuddled up next to my left side.

"A story about daddy..." I repeated and began to think.

I was having trouble thinking of one. None of my stories about Bentley were appropriate for little ears. So once again, I skillfully distracted them.

"I actually have a present for y'all." I said and they grew excited again. I slid out of bed and pulled the three frames out of my drawer. I handed each of the triplets a picture and watched as their faces lit up.

"These ours?" Andrew asked sounding hopeful.

"They are. I figured y'all would like to put them next to your beds." I said as they all squealed.

They had all seen pictures of their Daddy at Mrs. Megan's but they'd isn't have their own pictures so I know it meant a lot to them.

"Mommy?" Ava asked.

"Yes dear?" I asked as I looked at my daughter. She had a very serious look on her face.

"Is Texas in Heaven?" She asked.

"No, it's far away, but it isn't in Heaven." I replied and I couldn't help but smile.

"So Daddy isn't dead?" Aiden asked making sure he had heard correctly.

"You're daddy isn't dead." I confirmed.

"Ohhh.." they all three said, signifying their understanding.

They put their pictures away in their room and then we started our day. During breakfast my phone began to ring. I glanced around at the toddlers who were sitting in their highchairs eating their oatmeal and stood up to answer the call.

Eric Lucas. Thats what the caller ID read and I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I asked trying to sound normal.

"Layla?" He asked sounding hopeful.

"Yes? Eric?" I replied.

"Yes.. Im glad you have the same number." He said sounding relieved as he let out a nervous chuckle.

"What's going on?" I asked lightly as I turned away from the kids and looked out the kitchen window.

"I was just wondering if you would maybe want to go out one day and catch up.." He asked, then quickly added. "I totally understand if you don't want to though."

"No, I think that would be fun.. you don't mind the three kid thing?" I asked.

"Your kids are great. My new favorite patients." He said laughing as I joined in.

"Well..." I started to say but was interrupted when I heard my three kids laughing about something and I turned around, and my mouth dropped. "I'll have to call you back." I said with a sigh.

"Kids?" He asked.

"You guessed right." I said and then we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Andrew Grey Lake." I said calmly.
"Why is your bowl of oatmeal on top of your head?"

A/N update done! bam! only took an hour to write haha. did y'all like it?

Funny story : when I was little I actually did dump my bowl of oatmeal onto my head.. I don't know why though.

Also guess who got her first job today? Me! 

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