Hopelessly Devoted - Texas Trip

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Layla's POV

We packed up everything we would need a for a weeks visit and Sunday evening Bentley and I loaded the plane, carrying the three kids and our carry on luggage.

The four year olds were all very excited and talkative because they had never been on a plane before. I was just nervous because I had never flown before. When it was time for take off, I closed my eyes and Bentley held my hand, while the kids squealed excitedly. They were already enjoying the trip.

The first thirty minutes, they were all little chatter boxes and everyone near us was looking to see where all the talking was coming from. The lady in front us, turned around and smiled at the kids.

"Are they triplets?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes ma'am. My one in a million babies." I told her. She looked confused so I went on to explained. "There is a one in a million chance of naturally conceiving triplets.. and they were the one, out of a million."

"You got a big shock when you went to the doctor didn't you?" She asked sounding amused.

"You have no idea. I wanted to pass out." I told her as Ava crawled into my lap and yawned. She laid her head on my shoulder and began to drift off. I moved the arm rest that separated the seats as Aiden slid closer to me and rested his head in lap and stretched his legs across the seat. Bentley had Andrew in his arms, like I had Ava. Looks like the triplets were out for the count.

"Y'all have a very nice family." The lady commented, I thanked her and then she turned back around. I leaned my head back against the seat and tried to fall asleep as well.

It was late when we arrived in Texas, and Bentley and I were struggling to get three sleeping kids and two suitcases, plus a toy bag to his truck. He ended up with all three kids in his arms, I rolled the suitcases and carried the bag. He would've taken care of the luggage but I couldn't carry all three kids at once, without waking them.

We finally made it to his truck and threw the bags into the bed of the truck, then I helped him buckle the kids in. I was surprised to see that he had already purchased three car seats.

He helped me into the passengers side and then climbed into the drivers seat. Thankfully, it didn't take long to get to his apartment.

We took the kids inside and while I was getting them into the spare bedroom, where he had a twin bed they could share, he went back and got the luggage. He walked back inside, as I walked out of the kids bedroom.

We went to his bedroom and each changed out of our travel clothes. I looked around the room, nothing had changed, everything was exactly as I remembered it.

"Brings back some memories doesn't it?" He said from across the room.

"We sure didn't waste any time christening this place." I said with a laugh.

We were both exhausted but we crawled into bed, and stayed up talking.

"I think we should have another one." He said.

"Another what?" I asked.

"Another baby." He replied.

"We've got three Bentley." I reminded him.

"But I didn't get to be there when they were born, I didn't get to see you pregnant with them, I didn't see them as babies.." He trailed off and I felt guilty. He had missed a lot.

"Can we talk babies, after we get married.. " I suggested. "I don't plan in having anymore until after I'm married."

"And who might the lucky groom be?" He asked, teasingly.

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