Hopelessly Devoted - We're Having A Baby

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Layla's POV

"Are you ready to go?" Brandon asked as I stepped up onto the Lake's front porch, where he was waiting.

"No, I want to pretend this is all a bad dream." I grumbled as he gave me a hug.

It was Monday morning and I still hadn't told my parents the 'big news'. They thought I was going to school, and I was ... AFTER the doctors appointment. I dropped JJ off at the middle school and then drove to Lake's house since Mrs. Megan was the one taking me to my appointment.

"Well it's not a dream, so get over it." Brandon said smiling at me. I sighed and nodded. He was right. There was no changing things now.

Mrs. Megan walked out a few minutes later and pulled me into a hug. She didn't seem mad about what was going on ... She actually looked excited..

"I know that it isn't ideal, but I'm happy that I'm getting a grand baby." She said as she hugged me again, that was when Bethie walked out.

"Layla! I'm finally going to be an aunt! Thank you!" She said squealing.

"Okay, lets all stop hugging Layla to death. We're going to be late." Brandon said, saving me from all the hugs.

Wait, did he just say we?

As in everyone was going with me to the doctor? We sure were going to be a sight sitting in the waiting room.

"Where's Brant?" I asked, noticing his absence for the first time that morning.

"He wanted to be here but he couldn't take off work." Brandon explained.

"You took off work, just to come to the doctor with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. I could've just called him and told him what the doctor said.

"I'm here for moral support." He said giving me the famous Lake's grin.

"You're an idiot." I said but I couldn't hid my smile. Brandon had turned into one of my best friends, which is odd since I wanted to kill him at first.

It didn't take long to get to the doctors building. We quickly got signed in and sat down to wait. We must've looked like a sight! All four us piled onto that couch, because the place was so busy.

"Layla Parks." The nurse, who I recognized as Rachel called out. I let out a sigh and walked over to her. Once I got to the door, I turned back to look at the couch that the Lake's sat on, hoping for one more encouraging smile, only to find them all three standing right behind me.

"Moral support." Brandon stated nudging me to follow the nurse.

She led us to a room in the back of the building.I sat down on the examination table, Mrs. Megan and Bethie took the chairs, while Brandon propped up against the wall. He stood near me, because I knew he wanted to hear everything the doctor said. The nurse asked a couple of questions, wrote some things down, and then left us alone.

While we sat there waiting they all talked excitedly about the baby. Mrs. Megan was hoping for a girl, while Bethie was hoping for a nephew, and surprisingly Brandon also wanted a girl.

I was amazed by all them. I was seventeen and pregnant, and the father was no where to be found... And they were excited!? This wasn't normal! Shouldn't they have scolded me and told me that I should've been more careful?

They didn't act normal, and while it was weird, I was thankful for it. Because as much as I hated to admit it, I did need the moral support.

We heard a few light knocks on the door and then Doctor Jenny Taylor walked in.

"Hi Layla.. And everyone." She said adding the last part when she noticed my crowd of people.

"Hi." I answered and the others greeted her as well.

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