Hopelessly Devoted - As Days Go By

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Layla's POV

By Christmas, we were all living in the apartment and we had settled into a routine. Everyday was basically the same. I got up with my babies and spent time with them. Of course I also tried my best to clean and up cook, but three babies took up a lot of time and energy so the cooking and cleaning didn't always happen.

Andrew was growing like a weed, He was turning into a big baby. He was the feisty kid. Ava was a lot like him. She had that sweet look to her, and she was my sweet baby girl, but she could be just as feisty as Andrew. Aiden was the quiet baby. He didn't cry much, and even when he did cry it wasn't loud. They were all different from each other, each baby had their own personality and I loved that about them.

We moved into our house the February after they were born. It was perfect for all of us and it quickly became home to us. I was able to grow accustom to taking care of the three babies and the house. We baby proofed it, right after we moved in, so the kids were able to move around and I was able to keep an eye on them.

My babies grew way too fast and before I knew it, they were a year old. Then just as quickly, two years went past.

Andrew was a very active toddler. He liked to explore and find things... and of course, get into things. He was a mini Bentley look-a-like. He loved spending time with Brandon and Brantley. He loved playing with sports toys, and the guys loved to play along with him.

Aiden was the opposite of his brother. He liked to be active, but bless his heart, his lungs weren't that strong. He had to keep an inhaler on hand for when he ran. He loved music though and spent a lot of time playing with the drum and guitar toys and also listening to the radio. He also loved his uncles, but he was a mama's boy, and so was Andrew. They loved to spent time with Brant and Brandon, but when it came down to it, they loved they wanted to be with me. He turned into another mini Bentley. Neither of the boys looked like me.

Unfortunately, Ava didn't really look like me either. All three of my babies had gotten my curly, but everything else on them took after Bentley. She was a feisty little girl, but sweet. She had a cute little attitude about her, but she was always respectful and well disciplined. She was a tomboy! But I guess having two brothers will do that to you.

A few days after their second birthday, I had to take them into pediatrician for their annual check up. Their doctor had recently moved, but the office had hired a new doctor to take his place, so we were also meeting the new pediatrician that day.

"Andrew! Ava! Aiden!" I called from my spot by the front door. I heard the pattering of the little feet running toward me and smiled. First was Andrew and then Ava, then along came Aiden, who was trying to keep up with his siblings. "Y'all ready to go?" I asked them as I leaned down to help them put on them coats.

Brandon and Brant were at work and Hope was at school. I was still taking online classes, but I stayed home with the kids during the day. Mrs. Megan was stopped by to help me a lot and luckily, she always went with me to help me at doctors appointments. My kids were well behaved, but they were two year olds.

I loaded the three into the back of my car and drove across town to the pediatric office, where Mrs. Megan was already waiting.

"Nanny!" The three toddlers squealed excitedly as they saw their grandmother.

"Hi babies!" She said as she bent down and hugged the three of them. "Have y'all been good?"

"Andrew being bad." Ava said solemnly.

"No I not!" Andrew said defending himself.

"Yes huh!" She said, arguing with him.

"Kids." I said in a warning tone, giving them a stern look.

"Sorry Mommy." They said together.

We signed in and sat down. I had Aiden and Andrew on my lap, while Mrs. Megan held Ava. I took their favorite book out of my purse and read to them while we waited.

"Andrew, Aiden and Ava Lake." The nurse finally called and We made our way back to the examination room.

"Dr. Lucas will be with you shortly." She said after she took all of their vital signs and made a few notes on their charts.

The kids all climbed onto the examination and table and sat down. Young children were always fascinated by that table, and mine were no different. After a few minutes of making sure my babies didn't hurt themselves by climbing on that, the knock came, signally that the doctor had arrived. Once they heard that sound, they all three sat still and looked at the door.

Shock swept across my face, as the handsome dirty blonde haired man walked into the room. Those chocolate brown eyes were hard to forget.

"Eric!" I exclaimed as his eyes got wide with recognition.

"Layla?" He asked in disbelief.

Well I'll be damned. Its a small world after all.

Bentley's POV

Two years passed by before I realized it. My life was centered around work. I barely got to see my family anymore and if I did see them, it was because they would visit me. I think I went back to Georgia maybe one over those two years and I didn't stay long. Maybe just a weekend.

Molly saw my family more than I did due to her relationship with Brandon. She would fly out there once a month and he would fly to Texas one weekend out of the month. The two were determined to make their relationship work.

My relationship was still going but it wasn't anything serious. I didn't plan on marrying Kate, I just didn't love her like that. She was a good companion and it was nice to have someone to discuss work with since that was what we were both focused on, that's what we talked about. I wanted something more than that though. I needed to feel more.. I felt like part of me was missing.

A/N sorry that's it's taken so long to update! I'll do better! hope y'all liked it!

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Also y'all check out All For The Thrill and tell me what you think! and the other books! thanks guys! Y'all are awesome!

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