Hopelessly Devoted - Meet The Parents

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Layla's POV

"Layla, where are you going!? We have to be at the Lake's house in less than an hour." My mother said as I tried (unsuccessfully) to sneak out the door.

"Uh.. I'm going over there now. Bethie invited me and Hope to come swimming before supper." I said and I wasn't lying that time. Bethie did invite us.. But so did the boys.

"Alright, you have clothes you can change into right?" Mama asked a I walked out the door.

"Yes mother." I called behind me before I climbed into my car.

I drove across the road to Hope's house to pick her up and she practically ran out of her house.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she climbed in.

"I feel like they're going to bust out at any moment and say that they know and I am scared about what Daddy is gonna do." She said.

"Me too. I really don't want to watch my boyfriend die." I said as I turned down a back road that led to the boys house.

"Me either. How mad to you think they will be?" She asked sounding nervous.

"They're gonna be pretty pissed off.." I said. I was dreading this dinner. I valued my life and I didn't want to die. I was too young to die! But here I was signing my death warrant, all for a boy. I just had to have a Lake boy.

I parked my car, and then Hope and I went around back to the pool. Bethie was in the pool with the boys. Brandon was trying to dunk her, the other two laughed, but they looked nervous as well. Mr. Leland was at the grill, he was watching his kids while he cooked and I guess Mrs. Megan was inside preparing food as well.

"Hey Hope and Layla!" Bethie yelled once she spotted us. She waved at us and Brandon took that as an opportunity to dunk her.

Bentley and Brantley got out and walked over to us. I gave Bentley as quick kiss and a small hug, trying to avoid his wet body as much as I could. I would let him hug me AFTER I changed into my bathing suit.

"Are y'all getting in dressed like that?" Brantley asked after he took in our appearance.

"No, we've just got to get changed." Hope said. He just nodded.

"Has he been drinking?" I whispered to Bentley. I was worried about Brantley ruining this dinner.

"Nope, he's sober... I'm thinking we should let him drink. He's smarter when he's drunk.." Bentley whispered back. I looked over at Brantley. He was an idiot, there was no denying that. How he passed high school I would never know.

"If it will keep him from looking like a fool... Do it." I said back and as much as I hated to admit it, I was being serious. Brantley could not ruin this. Everything depended on this dinner. I'd be damned if I let this crash and burn.

"Y'all go changed, I'll give him a few beers." Bentley said understanding my idea.

"Just don't let him get totally wasted."

"Have you met him? It takes way more than three beers to get him drunk." Bentley said sounding slightly amused.

I sighed, he was right. Brantley would need a twenty four pack in order to get drunk. Three beers wouldn't faze him at all. They'd just make him feel a hell of a lot better... And they'd probably make him smarter. Bentley wasn't lying when he said Brantley got smarter when he drank. As weird as it sounds it was true. My theory was that : most people get stupider as they drink but he was just so stupid that he couldn't get stupider as he drank. So he had to get smarter. That's just my opinion about it though.

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